2. How does the bee feel at the end of the story ?S: Green
(教师将词卡 bee, feel green贴到黑板上) T: What are the similarities of these three words?
S: All of them have\“
T: Yes, you are so clever. Today we will talk about the wow el pair “ee” and“ea”:1et' s watch a video(微视频)
T: The vowel pair ee and\do withme(带领大家做手势/i/)
T: Can you read the words with /i: /sound ?Lets challenge.
Step3: find out the words that have”ee”\” in the story and underline then.找出所有含有“ee、”ea”的单词,并做小老师教给大家拼读。
T: In this story there are many words with /i:/ sound, please find out them and to be a little teacher.(利用黑板上词卡认读单词)
s: b sounds /b/ ee sound /i: /bee(学生到讲台当小老师教
同样方法教读: sweet tree: queen.feel, feast, treat, peach. sneak
T: You can read so many words, I' m proud of You, Can you read the story? Please read the story in groups.(小组合作读绘本)
教师一句一句领读单词。然后跟着音乐齐读 Step5
T: At the end of the story, the queen bee feels green, what did you learn from this story?
S: Don’t eat too much .
T: Yes, eating too much is bad for your healthy, please keep a heal thy diet.
T: Boys and girls, how many pieces of paper did you get? (小组教获得的奖励数) This is a game.It' s a jigsaw puzzle .You can take out all the pieces of paper, and put them inorder(学生将手中的奖励拼成新的绘本,并小组齐读)
Step7 Homework
After dass, you can retell this story to your parents or others.