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英媒评出十佳亚洲小说 《红楼梦》居首【高考英语阅读素材】

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英媒评出十佳亚洲小说 《红楼梦》居首【高


Asian literature offers some of the most beautiful prose ever written. We pick the classics all books fans should read.亚洲文学中涌现出了许多动人篇章,英国《电讯报》特挑选书迷应当阅读的史上十佳亚洲小说:


1、The Dream of the Red Chamber《红楼梦》

Cao Xueqin (printed 1791)作者:曹雪芹(1791年出版)

With a cast of more than 400 characters, this episodic novel written in the vernacular rather than classical Chinese tells of two branches of an aristocratic family with a tragic love story at its humane heart.史诗般的《红楼梦》并非用文言文写的,而是采用通俗的白话文。全书中有400多个人物,以一个权贵家族的两个分支为主线,描述了一个凄美的爱情故事,人文气息浓厚。

2、A Fine Balance《微妙的平衡》

Rohinton Mistry (1995)作者:罗欣顿米斯特里(1995年出版)

Set during the Emergency of 1970 (a period marked by


精品资料欢迎阅读 political unrest, torture and detentions), Mistry is critical of then-prime minister Indira Gandhi. Four characters from very different backgrounds are brought together by rapid social changes.故事发生在20世纪70年代,当时的社会背景政局动荡、酷刑监禁滥用。米斯特里对时任印度总理英迪拉甘地持批判态度。书中四个人物虽背景迥异,但他们却因为剧烈的社会变革而走到了一起。


Ryunosuke Akutagawa (1915)作者:芥川龙之介 (1915年出版)

The author of more than 150 modernist short stories, but no full-length novels, Ryunosuke published Rashomon in a university magazine when he was just 17. Just 13 pages long, it comprises seven statements regarding the murder of a Samurai and his wife’s disappearance.本书作者芥川龙之介一生写了150多篇现代主义短篇小说,但未涉足长篇。芥川龙之介仅在17岁的时候就在大学杂志上发表了小说《罗生门》。这篇13页的短篇小说讲述了人们对一名武士遇害、其妻失踪事件的7种说法。

4、The Thousand Nights and One Night《一千零一夜》

Anonymous (First published in English 1706)作者:不详 (1706年英文首版)

Wiley Scheherazade diverts the sultan from her execution with the poetic and riddlesome adventures of Aladdin, Ali Baba,


精品资料欢迎阅读 Sinbad and mystical creatures. Packing in crime, horror, fantasy and romance, it influenced authors as diverse as Tolstoy, Dumas, Rushdie, Conan Doyle, Proust and Lovecraft.《一千零一夜》中有众多冒险故事:阿拉丁、阿里巴巴、辛巴达和一些其他神灵等,而山鲁佐德也因为他们的冒险故事而避免了杀身之祸。这些故事充满犯罪、惊悚、奇幻和浪漫色彩,对托尔斯泰、大仲马、拉什迪、柯南道尔、普鲁斯特和洛夫克拉夫特等众多作家都产生了深刻影响。

5、Heat and Dust《热与尘》(又译作《印度之恋:一个英国女人的印度寻情之旅》)

Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (1975)作者:露丝普拉瓦尔杰哈布瓦拉 (1975年出版)

In this compelling novel by the only person to have won both the Booker Prize and an Oscar, a woman travels to India to learn the truth about her step-grandmother and her life under the British Raj of the 1920s.杰哈布瓦拉是唯一获得布克奖和奥斯卡奖两项殊荣的人。这本引人入胜的小说讲述了这样一个故事:一个女人前往印度,了解其继母在20世纪20年代英国殖民统治下生活的真相。

注:布克奖(The Man Booker Prize,或Booker Prize,又简称the Booker),是英语文学最重要的年度书奖之一,从1969年开始颁发,每年颁发一次。

6、All About H Hatterr《H哈特尔大全》


英媒评出十佳亚洲小说 《红楼梦》居首【高考英语阅读素材】


