Task 任务:Attending Dept. Orientation 参加部门的入职培训
Code 序号: TAO-FB-Taste-0001
Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to:ensure
thorough knowledge and familiarisation.
在本节课结束后,每为员工将:确保彻底了解并且熟悉本部门。 Standard标准:Prior to commencing work in the department, all newly hired and
transferred associates will attend and complete a 1-5 day structured orientation (depends on size of the outlet and position).
(根据部门情况及岗位 )。
Resources培训器材:Flip Chart, Marker Pen, Handouts. 白板,白板笔,讲义 Method 培训方式 Ice Breaker 打破僵局 Introduce today’s topic 介绍今天话题 Details 细节 Group discussion 小组讨论 Review 回顾 Training Steps 培训步骤 Make a introduction by each associate one by one. Includes name, department. 作一个简单的自我介绍,包括:部门,姓名。 Introduce all outlets information in F&B department. 介绍所有餐饮部的各部门信息。 1. All outlets name, location in F&B. 介绍所有餐厅的名字及位置。 2. The seats and characters of each restaurant. 介绍每个餐厅的座位数及餐厅经营特色。 3. F&B department principle and outlet principle (based on the associates in which outlet) 宣读餐饮部指导原则和各部门指导原则 ( 各部门指导原则安只对应各部门员工 〕。 Separate associates into 3-4 groups to summarize today’s topic, make a excise. 把员工分成3-4组讨论今天的培训内容并做练习。 Deliver the handouts to associates. 把讲义分发给员工。 Q: How many outlets we have in F&B department? Where is the location of each restaurant?
Time 时间 5 min 5分钟 20 min 20分钟 10 min 10分钟 5 min 5分钟 Latest Updated: 9/24/2018 PAGE: 1/1
Method 培训方式 Training Steps 培训步骤 我们有多少餐厅,分别是什么?位置在哪里? Q: What are the specialties of each restaurant? How many seats are in each restaurant? 每个餐厅的特色是什么?每个餐厅有多少座位? Time 时间 THE WESTIN SHENZHEN NANSHAN 深圳益田威斯汀酒店
Task 任务:Sign in & Sign out 签到和签出
Code 序号: TAO-FB-Taste-0002
Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to: know the
procedure and purpose of Sign in & Sign out.
Standard标准:All associates will fill their time sheets on a shift basis and will have
them validated by the captain or manager.
Resources培训器材:Sign in & Sign out sheets 签到本 Method 培训方式 Training Steps 培训步骤 Time 时间 Latest Updated: PAGE: 2/21
Method 培训方式 Ice breaker 打破僵局 Introduce today’s topic 介绍今天话题 Lecture 讲演式 Review 回顾 Latest Updated:
Training Steps 培训步骤 1. Explain the sign in & sign out sheet format and how to sign it. 讲解签到本的格式及如何填写。 2. The procedure and purpose of the Sign-in. 签到程序及作用。 ? Report to the outlet at the schedule working time ? 根据排班时间准时上岗 ? Locate the sign in & sign out sheet (usually maintained at the cashier counter or pantry) and record all necessary information. ? 在签到本上签到(通常都放置在收银台或备餐间〕,并按照签到本的内容填写。 ? The purpose of Sign-in is a record of associates as we met urgent accidents. ? 签到本的作用是当我们遇到紧急情况时,可以作为人员的记录。 3. Dealing the overtime work. 加班的处理 ? All overtime must be arranged by the outlet manager. ? 所有加班必须由经理安排。 ? All overtime will record on the sheet and will retrieve in the necessary time. ? 所有加班会记录在签到本上并在合适的时间给予补偿. 4. Sign-out procedure. 签出程序 ? After captain or supervisor permitted, sign your name on the sheet. ? 在领班或主管允许后,在签到本上签出。 ? If you want leave early must get the permit of captain or supervisor on duty and noted the time on the sheet. The captain or supervisor on duty must signed on the sheet. ? 如果你想早走,必须得到领班或主管的同意并在签到本上注明离开餐厅的时间。当班领班或主管必须在签到本上签字。 5. Sign in & sign out record must submit every month and hand to the F&B office for administration purpose. 每月统计签到并交给餐饮部办公室以便作考勤。 Q: What are the procedure and purpose of Sign in & Sign out? 签到和签出的程序和目的是什么? Q: How to deal with the overtime?
Time 时间 5 min 5分钟 15 min 15分钟 3 min 3分钟 PAGE: 3/21
Method 培训方式 Summary 总结 Training Steps 培训步骤 怎样处理加班? You must be punctual on duty and signed in & out by yourself. No other person allowed instead of you. 我们必须守时,一定要自己签到。不可以别人代签。 Time 时间 2 min 2分钟 THE WESTIN
Task 任务:Local Information 本地信息
Code 序号: TAO-FB- Taste-0003
Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to: fully briefed on
local information.
Standard标准:All associates will be fully briefed o local information to answer guest
questions and requests efficiently and must take personal responsibility to get correct information.
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Method 培训方式 Training Steps 培训步骤 Time 时间 Resources培训器材: Flipchart, Markers pen, Handouts. 白板,白板笔,材料。 Method 培训方式 Ice breaker 打破僵局 Introduce today’s topic介绍今天话题 Buzz group 集思广益 Summary 总结 Review 回顾 Training Steps 培训步骤 The topics are : 讨论的话题是: 1. how many famous attractions in Shenyang and what are they? 北京有多少著名的旅游景点分别是什么 2. how many large emporium and hospital in Shenyang and what are they? 北京有多少大型的百货商店和医院? We must fully know the local information to answer the guest question efficiently. 我们必须熟悉本地信息以便及时有效的回答客人问题。 See SP-FB-Taste-0003 参照SP-FB-Taste-0003。 Q: Why do we must know the local information? 我们为什么要熟悉本地信息? Q: How to answer the guest question? 我们如何回答客人问题? Time 时间 5min 5分钟 5min 5分钟 10min 10分钟 2min 2分钟 THE WESTIN
Task 任务:Guest Information Confidentiality 宾客信息保密
Code 序号: TAO-FB- Taste-0004
Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to: know the
importance of protecting the guest information confidentiality. Know the skill to answer the person requesting information.
在本节课结束后,每位员工都将:了解为宾客信息保密的重性。 懂得如何回答来访者的问题。
Standard标准:Room numbers as well as other information pertaining to hotel must not
be disclosed to any external persons or non-associates without prior
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