? 1.Why did Ling Hong’s mother keep on encouraging Susan to eat more even after Susan refused?
? In Chinese culture, Ling Hong’s mother kept on encouraging Susan to eat more is to show the hospitality of the host to Susan. ? 2.Why did Susan feel embarrassed when Ling Hong’s mother put some food in her bowl with her chopsticks?
? Because in western culture, food is usually served separately to each person----partly for hygiene reasons and partly due to individualism.
Unit6 A
Key concepts :
1.Creativity: 创造力the ability to use your imagination to produce new ideas, make things. 2.Exploring:探索
1)、to discuss or think about something carefully;
2)、to travel around an area in order to find out about it;
3)、written to feel something with your hand or another part of your body to find out what it is like
3.Self-reliant:自主的able to do or decide things by yourself, without depending on the help or advice of other people
Originality:.独创性1. the ability to think and act independently 2. the quality of being new and original (not derived from something else) Molding and shaping: 塑造to guide (sb.) with the intent to control.
1、How do the Chinese teach their children ? How do American do? Can you find the theories supporting the different teaching methods?
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Chinese educationmethodShow a child how to do something, or teach by holding his hand.Western educationLet a child explore the unknown, develop their own way.theories?The child is neither old ?Learning through enough nor clever enough to playing.realize the desired action of his own, what possible gain is ?Originality and independence is more achieved by having him struggle?importance. ?Learning should take place ?Unless creativity has by continual careful shaping and molding applies equally to been acquired early, it may never emerge;the arts.?If skills are not acquired early, ?Skills can be picked they may never be acquired. up later. ?No hurry to promote creativity. 2. Answer is open.
3. Answer is open. Don’t help the baby stand immediately. Let the baby explore and experience, and try to find the balance to stand by itself.
Firstly, Chinese students are used to take what the teacher's said as authority, and try to memorize what is given in lessons. On the other hand, teaching in China focus more on knowledge than on creation, to make students with the same ideas, the same knowledge. Moreover, to them, it is impolite to challenge the teacher's words, to form different ideas from the teacher. But to the Westerners, things are quite different. The aim of western education is to produce students with different ideas, to develop their creativity. To them, the more questions asked in class means more attention you give to what the teacher says. And more interest you show to the topic and the teacher. So, in this case, Professor Johnson mistook the silence of the students as their no interest in his subject, and felt disappointed.
1. Because the American teacher thought that I was an adult, I should at least have some ideas about a question, no matter how difficult it is, even the answer is totally wrong.
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2. Chinese educators are used to “teaching by holding his hand”. So long as the students are shown how to do something, they are less likely to solve a problem effectively by themselves. They may lack of creativity and self-reliance.
Key concepts;
1.Monochronic time : 单一时间an approach that favors linear structure and focus on one event or interaction at a time.
2.Polychronic time: 多元时间people may attend to many things happening at once in this approach to time
3.linear structure: 线性结构sequential blocks that can be organized, quantified, and scheduled.
4. Schedule oriented:以计划为方向的 people doing one thing at a time during a specified time-period, working on a single task until it is finished.
5. People oriented:以人为方向的 do not emphasize scheduling by separating time into discrete, fixed segments.
6. Punctuality:严守时间 everyone is supposed to arrive on time when attending a formal banquet or meeting appointments.
Comprehension questions (p82)
1. What is monochromic cultures? What is polychromic cultures?
Monochronic cultures typically emphasize doing one thing at a time during a specified time-period, working on a single task until it is finished. Polychronic cultures are involved with many things at once, usually with varying levels of attention paid to each.
2. what are the different attitudes monochromic people and polychromic people hold toward time? Monochronic people see time as being divided into fixed elements (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.), sequential blocks that can be organized, quantified, and scheduled. Polychronic people prefer not to have detailed plans imposed on them but want to make their own plans and meet deadlines in their own way.
3.What difficulties might an M-time-oriented person encounter when interacting someone who follows a P-time orientation? What kind of feelings might emerge during their meeting?
Difficulties: M-time-oriented person should keep waiting.
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Feelings: To feel put down, angry and frustrated.
4.What difficulties might a P-time-oriented person encounter when meeting someone who follows an M-time orientation? What kind of feelings might emerge during their meeting? Difficulties: P-time-oriented person dislikes to squeeze people in . They
prefer not to have detailed plans imposed on them.
Feelings: To feel compelled and uncomfortable.
5.What are the strengths and weaknesses of M-time system and P-time system?
? M. S: stimulating, productive, desirable, punctual ? W: without reference to logic and human needs ? .
? P. S: Being oriented toward people, emphasizing human needs. ? W: wasteful and distracting, not punctual
Case1(para3)?1.No , I don't like . Robert is a monochronicpeople , these people see time as being divided into fixed elements (seconds ,minutes ,hours ,etc), sequential blocks that can be organized, quantified, and scheduled .They love to plan in detail, make lists, keep track of activities and organize time into a daily routine. so Robert does things like this.?2. I'm a polychronicpeople , I dislike doing things in haste.
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Case2(para5)?The director is a polychronicpeople , people in such kind of cultures do not emphasize scheduling by separating time into discrete, fixed segments. They treat time as a less tangible medium so that they can interact with more than one person or do more than one thing at a time , they do not perceive appointments as iron-clad commitments ,therefore ,in these cultures, personal interaction an relationship development are more important than making appointments or meeting deadlines. so the director had the behavior toward Katherine .
Unit10 B
课后四个comprehension questions:
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