刘华贵1 徐淑芳1 杨永平2 冯国州1 陶士军1 马春建1 龚炎长2
(1. 北京市农林科学院畜牧兽医研究所,北京 100089;2. 华中农业大学动物科技学院,武汉 430070)
关键词:鸡肉 肌苷酸 代谢规律
Study on Metabolisms of Inosinic Acid and its Related Compounds
in Chicken after Slaughter
Liu Huagui Xu Shufang Yang Yongping Feng Guozhou Tao Shijun
Ma Chunjian Gong Yanchang
Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. College of Animal Sciences, Huazhong Agriculture University
Inosinic acid is one of the important ingredients with umami taste in the chicken meat. The content of the nucleotides, such as Adenosine-5′-Diphosphate(ADP), Adenosine-5′-Monophosphate(AMP), Inosine-5′-Monophosphate(IMP), Inosine(Ino) and Hypoxanthine(Hyp) in the chicken breast muscle after slaughtered and kept in the different temperature were analyzed at a scheduled time by HPLC. The results indicated that the content of IMP has been changing in the chicken after slaughter. The higher the ambient temperature is, the faster the IMP content changes. IMP is the main component of the nucleotides in the meat just after slaughter and peaked 1.5 h after slaughtered, then decline immediately, whereas Ino and Hyp increased. Two proposals were conducted from this study: (1) it is better to take adjusted IMP content as the indicator of the meat quality; (2)the percentage of IMP in the total measurements of IMP, Ino and Hyp could act as a indicator of the meat freshness.
Key Words: Chicken Inosinic Acid Metabolisms
肌苷酸在动物体内属于能量代谢的中间产物。肌肉在宰后僵直和成熟过程中,三磷酸腺苷(Adenosine-5′- Triphosphate,ATP)在ATP酶的作用下分解为二磷酸腺苷(Adenosine-5′-Diphosphate,ADP),ADP在肌激酶的作用下,分解
研究者对鸡肉中的肌苷酸含量陆续展开了测定和研究工作(黄梅南等,1994;陈国宏等,2001;陈继兰等,2001),试图找出肌苷酸含量与不同品种肉质差异之间的关系。但不同作者发表的数据差异较大,且测定值与预期值有时不相吻合,难以解释。香港大学陈钅广 安教授(2001)则研究认为肌苷酸含量与肉质没有关系。
1 材料与方法