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1. - WOUld YOU Iike to have SOme coffee?

A. No, please. B. Yes, I like. C. It is a PleaSUre? D. No, thank you.


2. - Wow! ThiS is a marvelous room! Γve never known you,re SO artistic.

A. Great, I am ver>r art-conscious. B .Don't mention it. C. Thanks for your COmPIimentS? D. It,s fine.


3. - ThankS for your help?

A. My PleaSUre ? B. Never mind. C. Quite right.

D. Don,t thank me. 答案:A

4. - IS it POSSible for you to WOrk Iate tonight?

A. I Iike it. B. Γ11 do that. C. Γd IOVe io. D. I think so.


5. - DO you mind my SmOking here?

A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes. Γd rather not. D. Good idea.


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In ICaming a foreign language. OnC ShoUld first DaY aUcmion to SDCaking?(在学习一门夕卜语的时 候,你应该首先注总说。)It is the ground-work (基础)Of reading and writing. YOlfd better try your best to

SPeak? Don,t be afraid Of making mistakes? While you are doing this, a good exercise is to Write —keep a diary, Write notes Or IetterS and SO on. ManV mistakes in YOUr SPCaking WiIl be CaSily found WhCn you WrilC.Through COrreCting the mistakes, you Can do better in Iearning a IangUage?

If you are SlOW in SPeaking, don't worry. One Of the helpful WayS is to improve your EngliSh by reading. either aloud Or IOW to yourself. The important thing is to ch∞se SOmething interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you. When you are reading in this way. don,t StOP to IOOk UP the WOrdS if you Can guess their meanings Or if they are not important to the SentenCe? YOU Can do that SOme Other time. 6.Speaking is the ground-work While you are Ieanling a foreign IangUage? A. T B. F


7. The best Way to Iearn through mistakes is to try your best to SPCak. A. T B. F


8. When you write, you Will Iearn how to SPeak? A. T B. F


9. When you read, you ShOUld ChOOSe interesting books for you. A. T B. F


10. When you find SOme new WOrdS in reading, you ShOUld guess their meanings first. A. T B. F


There are three kinds Of goals: ShOrt-term medium-range and long-term 20als.(人生有三种目标:


ShOrt-term goals are those that USUalIy deal With CUrrent activities, WhiCh We Can apply On a daily basis? SUCh goals Can be achieved in a Week Or less, Or two weeks, Or possibly, months? It ShOUld be remembered that just as a building is no StrOnger than its foundation, long-term goals CannOt amount to Very munch WithOUt the achievement Of SOlid ShOrt-term goals? UPOn COmPleting OUr ShOrt-term goals, We ShOUld date the OCCaSiOn and then add new ShOrt-term goals that Will build On those that have been COmPletCd ?

The intermediate goals build On the foundation Of the ShOrt-term goals? They might deal With just One term Of SChOOl Or the entire SChOOl year, Or they COUld even extend for SeVeral years? Any time you move a SteP at a time, you ShOUld never allow yourself to become discouraged Or overwhelmed. AS you COmPlete each SteP. you Will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and SllCCeed? And as your IiSt Of COmPletiOn dates grow, your motivation and desire Will increase?

LOng-term goals Inay be related to Our dreams Of the future? They might COVer five years Or more. Life is not a StatiC thing. We ShOUld never allow a IOng-teπn goal to Iimit US Or OUr COUrSe Of action? 11 .Our IOng-term goals mean a IOt ________________ ? A. if We CannOt reach SOlid ShOrt-term goals B. if We COmPlete the ShOrt-term goals C. if We have dreams Of the future D. if We PUt forward SOme PlanS


12. __________________________________ New ShOrt-term goals are built UPOn A. a daily basis

B. your achievement in a Week C. current activities

D. the goals that have been COmPletCd



13. When We COmPlete each SteP Of OUr goals, ________ A. we WiIl Win final SUCCeSS B. we are OVerWhelmed

C. we Will build UP OUr COnfidenCe to achieve SUCCeSS D. we ShOUld have StrOng desire for Setting new goals 答案:C 14. What is the main idea Of IhiS passage? _________ Adifc is a dynamic thing.

B. We ShOUld Set UP IOng-term goals. C. Different kinds Of goals in life. D. Thc IinlitatiOn Of IOng-term goals.




