【期刊名称】《山西农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2012(040)008
【摘要】采用大田试验,研究了休闲期不同耕作配施磷肥对旱地小麦越冬期幼苗生长特性的影响.结果表明,旱地小麦休闲期深松较深翻可显著提高越冬期0~ 60 cm土壤蓄水量以及小麦幼苗的分蘖数、单株叶面积、单株干物质量、根系活力、可溶性糖含量、氮素积累量,可提高低磷(LP)、中磷(MP)条件下植株含氮率;且增加施磷量均可显著提高越冬期0~60 cm土壤蓄水量,可增加分蘖数、主茎叶龄、单株叶面积、根系活力、植株含氮率及其氮素积累量;单株干物质量在深松条件下以高磷(HP)最高,在深翻条件下以MP最高,且休闲期深松较深翻有利于磷的吸收.%Field experiment was carried out to study the effect of different fallow farming with phosphorus fertilization on seedling growth characteristics of dryland wheat. The results showed that fallow deep loosening could significantly improve the 0 -60 cm soil water storage capacity of dryland over-wintering wheat than deep tillage, and increasing of phosphorus fertilization could significantly improve the 0 ~ 60 cm soil water storage capacity, and improve the tiller number, leaf area, plant weight, root activity, soluble sugar content, and nitrogen accumulation content, and could also improve plant nitrogen rate in LP, MP conditions. Increasing the application of phosphorus fertilizer could improve the tiller number, main stem leaf age, leaf area, root activity,