【期刊名称】《制冷与空调(四川)》 【年(卷),期】2011(025)004
【摘要】The outside practice-teaching base is another central factor relative to the inside practice-teaching base, and it's very important to build a good outside practice-teaching base with high efficiency in higher vocational education. Combining the practical situation of practice-teaching base establishment about the major of refrigeration in Nanjing College of Chemical Technology, the meaning, condition, mode and process of the outside practice-teaching base establishment for the major of refrigeration in higher vocational education are profoundly discussed, and certain achievements are made.%校外实践教学基地是校内实践教学基地的重要补充,建设好高效的校外实践教学基地是高等职业教育中的重要课题。结合南京化工职业技术学院制冷专业校外实践教学基地建设的实际,对高职制冷专业校外实践教学基地建设的意义、应具备的条件、建设的模式和建设过程等方面进行了探索,取得了一定的成效。 【总页数】4页(398-401)
【关键词】高职教育;制冷专业;校外实践教学基地;建设 【作者】戴路玲;魏龙