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第一部分主要分析了研究背景及意义、理论依据、研究方法和研究条件。 第二部分从传媒资本的涵义、传媒资本运营的涵义、传媒产业资本运营策略三部分概述了传媒产业及其资本运营理论。



第五部分以山东省淄博市广播电视集团为例进行实例分析。 第六部分为结论与展望。



Media capital operation of media industry activity is a big problem, is a basic theoretical problem, capital operation of media industry is an extremely effective means of financing, use a small amount of state-owned asset to control, to absorb a large number of social idle funds to expand our media economic strength, for the rapid development of, help to improve media competitiveness and ability to resist risks. It is the media industry development provided strong economic security. Media industry through participation in capital operation, can effectively promote the mechanism reform, to highlight their own industry function. First of all, pay more attention to the media industry, some domestic media have been collecting and editing staff and management staff, management department and the editing department division, President and chief editor and general manager to achieve\instead of the traditional president and editor-in-chief of\that on the one hand prevent management and news in the publicity of corrupt behavior, on the other hand, to enrich the operating team. Secondly, capital operation of media industry will help promote the team spirit of innovation, the establishment of a new and reasonable distribution system.

The full text is divided into six parts.

The first part mainly analyzes the research background and the significance, theoretical basis, research method and research conditions.

From the second part of the connotation of media capital, media the meaning of capital operation, capital operation of media industry strategy three part provides an overview of the media industry and capital operation theory.

The third part firstly analyzed China media industry capital operation actuality, secondly, elaborated China media industry capital operation beneficial factors. Finally, pointed out China media industry capital operation problems: media industry capital operation the system bottleneck; compartmentalization, bull management and management system of large-scale development of contradiction between; capital operation obstacle is the news media not clear property right is the media industry; core competitiveness the insufficient effect of media development.

The fourth part mainly explores China media industry capital operation mode of development. We should start from the following six aspects to the development of Chinese media industry capital operation, respectively is: change idea, let the private film and television from the\minor\perfect property right system, constructs the multi-level structure of property rights; from macroscopical on let media group to

realize capital operation; vigorously carry out the media industry intangible assets; the introduction of capital to strengthen the development of media industry; media industry standardization.

In the fifth part of the Shandong province Zibo City radio and Television Group as an example to analyze an example.

The sixth part is the conclusion and prospect.

Key words: media industry; capital operation; development model; Zibo City radio and Television Group


第1章 绪论 ........................................................ 1

1.1研究背景及意义 ............................................... 1 1.2 理论依据及研究方法 .......................................... 2 1.3 研究条件 .................................................... 3 1.4 研究内容 .................................................... 3 第2章 传媒产业及其资本运营理论概述 ................................. 4

2.1 传媒资本的涵义 .............................................. 4 2.2传媒资本运营的涵义 ........................................... 4 2.3传媒产业资本运营策略 ......................................... 4

2.3.1 传媒产业的兼并策略 ..................................... 4 2.3.2 传媒产业的收购策略 ..................................... 5 2.3.3 传媒产业的重组策略 ..................................... 5 2.3.4 传媒产业的联合策略 ..................................... 6

第3章 中国传媒产业资本运营现状及存在的问题 ......................... 7

3.1 中国传媒产业资本运营的现状分析 .............................. 7

3.1.1 报业改革:风起云涌 ..................................... 7 3.1.2 广播电视业:资本运作初见成效 ........................... 8 3.1.3 期刊业:由发行主导型向广告主导型转型 ................... 9 3.2中国传媒产业资本运营的有利因素 .............................. 10

3.2.1 有效融资为传媒产业的壮大发展提供了基础 ................ 10 3.2.2 传媒产业资本运营能够有效促进传媒的机制改革 ............ 10 3.2.3 传媒产业资本运营拓展了传统媒体的盈利模式 .............. 10 3.2.4 传媒产业资本运营可以促进行政调控能力 .................. 10 3.3中国传媒产业资本运营存在的问题 .............................. 11

3.3.1传媒产业进行资本运营的体制瓶颈 ........................ 11 3.3.2 条块分割、多头管理的管理体制与规模化发展之间的矛盾 .... 12 3.3.3资本运营的障碍是新闻媒体产权不清是传媒产业 ............ 12 3.3.4 核心竞争力不足影响传媒机构的发展 ...................... 12

第4章 中国传媒产业资本运营发展模式探索 ............................ 14

4.1转变观念,让民营影视摆脱“小打小闹” ........................ 14 4.2完善产权制度,构建多层次的产权结构 .......................... 15 4.3从宏观上让传媒集团实现资本运营 .............................. 17 4.4大力开展传媒产业无形资产 .................................... 17




