龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘 要: Exe类型电子书制作软件集成文字内容和小图片非常容易,效果也很不错,但是对集成高品质的音视频、数码照片等大容量数据文件却无能为力。通过对iebook超级精灵自带模板以及Exe电子书文件的深入分析,把flash技术、流媒体对象和file协议有机结合,实现动态加载指定相对路径下的外部视频文件到电子书中,大大提高了iebook超级精灵在处理多媒体方面的实用性。
关键词: 电子书; iebook超级精灵; 视频; 流媒体; flash
中图分类号:TP37 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2014)09-46-03 Implementation of E-book's function playing external video files based on iebook Lin Weihong
(Archives Bureau of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310007, China) Abstract: Exe-format E-books can easily integrate text content and small size pictures with rather good impression. However, they are incapable of integrating big size files such as high-quality audio, video and digital photos. Through the deep analysis of super-spirit's templates in iebook and exe-format E-books files, a dynamical load of external video files in relative path is implemented by combining flash technology, streaming media object with \, The practicability of iebook spirit's on dealing with multimedia is improved considerably. Key words: E-book; iebook spirit; video; streaming media; flash 0 引言