barriers. (2) bench temporary protective railings on each side. (3) the top of the stairs, railings or temporary guardrails installed with the construction. (4) the bar should brush color. 4, balcony side: use formal balcony fence-slab, floor installation or the installation of a temporary fence. Spacing greater than 2 m to set up columns (ibid.). 5, frame structures: (1) when scaffold is not less than operations, equipped with operating(1)保护好现场严防破坏,要对可疑食物或有毒食物取标封存。
2)积极配合食品药品监督管理部门、卫生行政部门调查取证。 (
(3)分析原因,根据现场调查和技术鉴定情况进行综合分析确定事故原因吸取 教训。
barriers. (2) bench temporary protective railings on each side. (3) the top of the stairs, railings or temporary guardrails installed with the construction. (4) the bar should brush color. 4, balcony side: use formal balcony fence-slab, floor installation or the installation of a temporary fence. Spacing greater than 2 m to set up columns (ibid.). 5, frame structures: (1) when scaffold is not less than operations, equipped with operating