【期刊名称】《校园英语》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)003
【摘要】文化是学习语言的最主要因素之一,语言是作为一种文化现象被人们在社会中应用的。因此,外语教学应注重文化对语言的影响。目前我国语言学生对语言文化的了解甚少,这对外语的学习是不利的,也因此导致学而不精,不能应用于实际生活中。本文就这些问题提出在英语教学方面应该改进的方法,增强学生的社会文化意识,提高他们学习英语的兴趣和能力。%culture is one of the most important factors during language teaching and learning.Language is used in our society regarded as a cultural phenomenon.So we should put premium on the cultural influence during our teaching.At present,our English learners know a little about the culture of English culture.This does harm to the language learning,and their language learning hardlygain certain attainment because of their failure to use the language practically.According to these questions the author puts forwards some improving methods to enforce the students’ social culture awareness,and promote their interests and ability for English learning. 【总页数】3页(13-14,15)
【关键词】交际能力;跨文化交际;英语教学 【作者】刘翠娟