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辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计 第I页


摘 要



辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计 第II页

Solving jopshop scheduling problem based on

genetic algorithm


Simply speaking, the job shop scheduling problem(JSP) is the equipment resources optimization question. Job Shop Scheduling Problem as an important part of Computer IntegratedManufacturing System (CIMS) engineering is indispensable, and has vital effect onproduction management and control system. In the competion ecvironment nowadays, how touse the assignments quickly and to plan production with due consideration for all concernedhas become a great subject for many manufactory.In recent years,the genetic algorithms obtained great development it was used to solve the job shop scheduling problem early.This paper discusses the chromosome code method in detail based on the genetic algorithms and make the improvement on it. Through the research on mathematics model of JSP and optimized algorithm, theimproved adaptive genetic algorithm (IAGA) obtained by applying the improved sigmoidfunction to adaptive genetic algorithm is proposed. And in IAGA for JSP, the fitness ofalgorithm is represented by completion time of jobs. Therefore, this algorithm making thecrossover and mutation probability adjusted adaptively and nonlinearly with the completiontime, can avoid such disadvantages as premature convergence, low convergence speed andlow stability. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed genetic algorithm does notget stuck at a local optimum easily, and it is fast in convergence, simple to be implemented. the job shop scheduling system based on IAGA and GASH is designed andrealized, and the functions and operations of the system modules are introduced detailedly. In the end ,according to the code with improved carries on the genetic algorithms desing, this paper offer one improved genetic algorithms about soloving to the job shop scheduling problem, and the simulated example has indicated that this algorithm is valid.

Keywords: jop shop scheduling;

production cycl

genetic algorithm; improvement chromosome code;

辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计 第III页



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