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Unit 6 测试题

I.单项选择 ( )1. (2017·安庆市大观区期末) Linda like___apples, and she has____apple every day.

A. the;a B. /;a C. the;an D. /;an ( )2.一What do you prefer for lunch,darling?

一I'd like ____ such as tomatoes,carrots or cabbages.

A. meat B. eggs C. vegetables D. Fruit ( )3. (2017·长沙市湘-法国外语期末)-Do you like the latest(最新的) iPhone? 一Yes. It looks ____ and sells____.

A. good;well B. well; well C. well;good ( )4.一______your sister ______ salad? 一Yes, she does.

A. Does;like B. Does;likes C. Do;like D. Do;likes. ( )5. KFC has lots of(许多)______.

A. vegetables B. hamburgers,French fries and ice-creams

C. fruit D. green food

( )6.- ______ does your mother ______ for lunch? - I Rice and meat.

A. What; have B. What;has C. How ;has D. How; have

( )7. Look! Some rice _____ in the bag. Some vegetables _____ in the basket, A. are;are B. is;are C. Is;is D. are;is ( )8. (2017·邵阳)-Mom,please give me two______. I want to make Vegetable salad.

- OK. Here you are.

A, tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos

( )9. (2017.蚌埠市期末)What about ______ a school trip next Monday? A. have B. having C. has D. to have

( )10. I like a ______ for dessert( 甜点). Fruit,you know,is good for health. A. potato B. banana C.bread D, burger)

( )11. The Smiths have some ______ and ______ in the evening. A. banana chicken B. bananas;chickens C. bananas;chicken D.banana chickens

( )12. David asks the volleyball star about her ______ habits, A, eat B. eats C to eat D. Eating

( )13. I always have ______ at seven o'clock in the morning. A, dinner B, breakfast C. lunch D, supper

( )14. (2017.长沙市湘一外国语期末) - Mom,I don't want______ any sports

today! Please let me ______ a movie to relax.


A.doing;watching B.to do;to watch C.to do;watch ( )15.-Let’s have hamburgers. -Oh,no.______.

A.I don’t like them B.I like them C.That’s good D.Let’s eat II.完形填空(10分)

Jimmy is an English boy. He wants to have a friend in China. He likes___1___ very much. They’re relaxing tor him. He plays sports___2___his classmates after class, He has five soccer balls!two___3___and one basketball But he doesn’t like tennis. He thinks it’s___4___.

Jimmy has a healthy___5___ . He likes fruit and vegetables___6___ are his favorite vegetables. He often has fruit salad ___7___ dinner. He doesn't eat__8__or ice-cream. He doesn’t want to be ___9___

Do you like him? Do you ___10___to be his friend? You can e-mail him at jimmy012@yahoo. com

( )1.A. food B. meat C. sports D. numbers ( )2.A. for B. of C. in D. with ( )3.A. books B. watches C. volleyballs D. baseball ( )4 A. good B. fun C. boring D. interesting ( )5.A. room B. habit C. table D. question ( )6.A. Bread B. Apples C. Bananas D. Carrots ( )7,A. in B. to C. for D. with I ( )8.A. hamburgers B. vegetables C. fruit D. rice ( )9 A. good B. fat C. fine D. OK ( )10, A. get B. have C. want D. ask III阅读理解 (20分)

A Names Meals Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sandra hamburgers French fries,ice-cream ice-cream vegetable Bill eggs,milk,pears chicken,carrots,tomatoes,broccoli,strawberries salad,pears, bananas Tommy egg,milk,bananas chicken,carrots,broccoli broccoli,carrots,oranges Sally egg,milk,apples chicken,carrots,salad Strawberries, ice-cream ( )1. Bill,Tommy and Sally don’t have______for breakfast. A. eggs B. milk C. fruit D. vegetables ( )2.______eats fruit for lunch. A. Bill B. Sally C. Sandra D. Tommy ( )3. Tommy has ______ for dinner. A. fruit salad B. ice-cream C. chicken and fruit D. fruit and vegetables ( )4, Of the four students, ______doesn’t eat healthy food. A. Bill B Sally C. Tommy D. Sandra) ( )5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The girls like vegetables B. Sally doesn't eat chicken. C. Four students have fruit for dinner. D. Bill eats fruit for every meal. B Mikey:I will meet some friends after breakfast. And I'll go to the supermarket (超市)after that.Do you need(需要)anything,Mom? Mom:Oh,yes,please We need some chicken for luneh. Mikey:OK What about fruit? Mom:I want some bananas,strawberries and pears.We can have fruit salad for dinner.Oh,can you get four tomatoes and two carrots,too? Mikey:Sure.I’ll buy some. Mom:Thank you.Mikey.You can buy ice-cream for yourself. Mikey:That’s great! I like it. Mom:Let’s have breakfast first. Mikey:OK. ( )6. Mikey will meet his friends ______. A.in the supermarket B.in the library C.in the morning D.in the afternoon ( )7. What will Mikey eat for lunch? A.rice. B.Chicken C.Bread. D.Hamburgers ( )8.Mikey will buy ______ carrots. A.two B.three C.four D.five ( )9.Which of these will Mikey buy? A.Bread. B.Eggs. C.Milk. D.Apples. ( )10.What does Mikey like? A.Strawberries. B.Tomatoes. C.Salad. D.Ice-cream. IV.词汇运用(15分) A)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写出单词,补全句子(10分)

1.My mother’s______ (生日)party is next week. 2.I think you are ______ (正确的). 3.What______(水果)do you like?

4.Their parents play sports every day.so they are very _____(健康的). 5.Sports stars eat ______(好).

6.Let's have______ (草莓) and apples.

7.My daughter has a ___(汉堡包) for breakfast every day.It’s not good for her 8. Can I ask you a q______,

9. I's a good h______. to eat vegetables every day. 10.There are many s______ in the sky. B) 用所给词的适当形式填空

11. After school she plays games and______ (do) her homework. 12. Le's ______ (have) apples and chicken for breakfast then, 13.. We need four ______ (tomato).

14. It's dark. How about______ (go) home?

15.I______ (real) like vegetables. They're good for us. V.按要求完成句子(10分)

1. We have chicken for dinner. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______you______for dinner?

2. I like rice and vegetables for dinner. (改为否定句) I ______ ______rice______ vegetables for dinner.

3. My friend doesn't like films about cowboys.(改为否定句) My friend______ films about cowboys.

4. He wants to go to the shop today. (改为一般疑问句) ______ ______ ______to go to the shop today?

5. breakfast ,he,every ,cats, for , them,day(. )(连词成句) ________________________________________________ VI.补全对话(10分)

从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。 A.Do we eat chicken for dinner, Mom? B. But we need more vegetables. C. Thank you, D.That sounds great! E. I don't like carrots. F. Excuse me, Mom. G.Sorry.Mom. Bill:1.______

题 答 许 不 内 线 封 密

Mom:Yes? Bill:2.______

Mom;No.we. at fish and carrots,dear. Bill:3.______I like chicken.

Mom;4.______ It's not healthy to eat chicken every day. Bill:OK. But Dad likes chicken,too.

Mom: Well,let's cat chicken and broccoli tomorrow. Bill:5.______

VII.任务型阅读(2017·南昌市新建区联考改编) We want to be healthy. You know food is very important(重要的).There are lots of healthy foods. You can have more(更多的)apples,bananas,orange,

carrots and tomatoes because fruit and vegetables are good for you. There is a saying“An apple a day keeps(保持)the doctor away(远离).”You can’t eat too much ice-cream.It’s not good for you.○2It’s not healthy food.○3______ can also keep you healthy .Do more sports every day. Don’t be lazy(懒惰的)! You will be healthy and happy. 根据短文内容,完成下列句子

( )1. What food can't you eat too much below?


______________________________________________________ 3.写出○3处所缺的单词__________

4. What healthy food can we have according to the passage?

________________________________________________________________ 5. Is food very important?

________________________________________________________________ VIII.书面表达(10分)

请根据表格内容写一篇短文,介绍一下你和你的朋友Tony 一日三餐喜欢())和不喜欢的食物。 You Tony apples, Breakfast hamburgers eggs,bananas eggs milk Hamburgers Lunch chicken ,french fries salad carrots rice,tomorrow chicken Dinner ice-cream salad


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