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About Us

The London Cycling Club is a volunteer-based non-profit organization for recreational (娱乐的) bicycling.We've been in operation since 1971.We value the healthy lifestyle and social aspects of cycling.The London Cycling Club offers a schedule of Sunday cycling tours from April through October.We also offer various social events throughout the year, including a spring kick-off brunch, a summer barbecue, an Annual General Meeting and Banquet and a winter outing.

For Sunday cycling events there are three tour groups: short, medium and long.The length and speed of each ride varies with the tour group.Short: 20 to 25 kph; Medium: 25 to 30 kph; Long: 30+ kph.Please talk to a club manager if you're unsure of your abilities during your first season.Tours typically last from 2 to 5 hours.Participants are asked to meet 15 minutes before leaving the Saturn Playground parking lot in Greenway Park.We'll try to have a short group leader available for rides in the early part of the season, usually April and May.

For the benefit of all riders, please make sure that your bicycle is in good working order.And please bring water bottles, a snack, a spare inner tube and an air pump.

Cycling skills do vary within the club, but it's suggested that a rider should be at least 20 and able to keep an average pace of 20 kph for up to a 50 km ride.In the interest of safety, tours won't be held on snowy, rainy or foggy days.


2018 online registration available NOW! For 2018 Membership sign-up please visit: https://ccnbikes.com//#!/events/2018-london-cycling-club-membership

Membership Fees

Individual Membership — $35 each year (The insurance is an additional $42) 语篇解读:本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了伦敦骑行俱乐部的相关事宜。 1.What do we know about the London Cycling Club? A.It aims to train cycling players. B.It offers cycling tours every day.

C.It promotes healthy life brought by cycling. D.It has a history of no less than half a century.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“We value the healthy lifestyle and social aspects

of cycling”可知,伦敦骑行俱乐部重视的是骑行带来的健康生活方式以及社交方面,故正确答案为C。

2.What do people taking part in Sunday cycling events have to do? A.Ride at a speed of 30+ kph. B.Elect a group leader for each ride. C.Gather together 15 minutes earlier. D.Ask managers to assess their abilities.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Participants are asked to meet 15 minutes before leaving the Saturn Playground parking lot in Greenway Park”可知,出发前15分钟集合。

3.Which is the right or duty of the members of the club? A.They should have a good command of cycling skills. B.They can enjoy free food and drink during the cycling. C.They should pay a yearly membership fee of 42 dollars. D.They can join in different social events offered by the club.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“We also offer various social events throughout the year, including a spring kick-off brunch, a summer barbecue, an Annual General Meeting and Banquet and a winter outing”可知,伦敦骑行俱乐部会举行一些社交活动,会员可以参加。故正确答案为D。


In spring 2016, Liza Goldberg asked scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center if she could do research there.There was a problem, though.She was just 14 years old, and NASA's internship (实习) program only accepts students starting at age 16.

David Lagomasino and Temilola Fatoyinbo are NASA satellite experts.They saw Liza's request.In it, she talked about how she had studied trees in her own backyard to learn about climate change.The two NASA scientists were impressed.“This girl sounds great,” Lagomasino remembers saying.“Let's bring her in.” They made a special role for her outside the internship program.

Lagomasino and Fatoyinbo thought Liza could help them use satellite data to map mangroves, a small tree that grows in muddy forests on the coastlines of many tropical (热带的) countries. Mangroves are very important as they store huge amounts of carbon, which makes them helpful for fighting global warming.They are also home to fish that millions of people depend on for food.

Less than two years later, Liza has developed what might be the world's first

satellite-based system to determine where mangroves are in trouble. The work uses data from four satellites.It covers mangrove growth and loss, rainfall, agriculture and city growth.

Lagomasino and Fatoyinbo brought Liza in during the summer before she started high school. The teen had seen mangroves only once before, during a trip to Fort Myers, Florida.Soon, she would see many more, at least on her computer screen.

Liza learned that half of the world's mangroves had disappeared.She was shocked and motivated to do something.“I wanted to create some kind of solution,” she said.She would even work during school breaks or at home on her projects.Liza's hard work is starting to pay off. Already, environmental groups are eager to use her system to make their work more effective.

Now that she has turned 16, Liza has finally joined NASA's official internship program. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。14岁的Liza进入NASA开始进行科学研究,其成果对保护生态植物红树林很有帮助。

4.Why was Liza outside the internship program at first? A.She didn't meet the required age. B.She didn't show her talent properly. C.She knew little about global warming. D.She lacked the experience of data-collecting.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“She was just 14 years old, and NASA's internship (实习) program only accepts students starting at age 16”可知,Liza没有达到年龄要求,所以没有进入实习项目。

5.Why are mangroves so important? A.They are food for fish.

B.They are commercial crops. C.They forecast climate change. D.They keep a balanced ecosystem.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Mangroves are very important ...people depend on for food”可知,红树林在维持生态平衡方面起到很大作用。

6.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 refer to? A.The satellite. C.The system.

B.The data. D.The work.

解析:选B 代词指代题。根据画线词上一句“The work uses data from four satellites”及

同步北师大高中英语必修五培优新方案练习:nit People 单元质量检测一 含解析


