the high-speed trend.译为:尽管技术可能改变我们反应的方式,但是它并没有改变我们的本性。我们仍然有能力去克服诱惑并扭转这种高速度的趋势。由此我们可以看出作者的态度是非常确定的,因此B选项uncertain(不确定)首先排除;We still have the imaginative capacity…表面作者对于我们的能力是有信心的。因此[C] optimistic(乐观的)是正解。A选项tolerant(容忍的) 、D选项doubtful(怀疑的)在原文中没有体现,属于无中生有的选项。 Text 4
36. men have the final say
【解析】根据题干corporate workplace定位到第一段。首句就说欧洲性别不平等,in particular进一步指出corporate workplace,说明工作中性别尤其不平等。紧接着说欧洲公司高管职位remain overwhelmingly male,说明以男性为主导。Indeed进一步解释,指出女性在欧洲公司董事会只占有14%的席位。所以,B选项是基于首段信息给出的推论。A项women take the lead和D项senior management is family-friendly都与原文相反;C选项是对文章overwhelm这个词出的干扰项。 37. a reflection of gender balance
【解析】根据题干,定位到第二段首句,intended legislation是对is now considering legislation的同义改写。该句意思为“欧洲国家现在考虑立法来迫使公司董事让妇女的比例达到60%”,因此立法是为了保持性别的平衡。B选项的reluctant是对第5段的Reding’s reluctance出的干扰项,并不是说European Union的立法。C选项a response to Reding’s call不正确,Reding号召的是voluntary action, D也是干扰项,而真正的立法缘由是对gender balance的反思,所以A项正确,也是文章中心的反映。
38. get top business positions
【解析】定位至第4段,Reding说自己不喜欢quotas,后面出现了but,他真正的观点在but之后,他说他喜欢quotas所做的事情,即get action,后面的冒号是对get action的解释。核心的答案在a result seen in France and other coutries with legally binding provisions on placing women in top business positions。a result是前面内容的同位语,进一步补充说明,所以选A。B项see through the glass ceiling是对原文break through the glass ceiling的望文生义,属于肤浅选项,也和原文意思不符。C和D选项属于无中生有。 39. approval
【解析】本题问的是作者对Reding的呼吁的态度。Reding的appeal最早出现在第2段,即呼吁在董事会中有40%的女性,以实现性别均衡。而第四段再一次提到Reding 的观点即“他自己也不喜欢quotas,但是quotas本身确实起到了作用”;接着作者在第五段给出了自己的观点,先是说可以理解Reding,自己本身也不喜欢quotas,但是“既然现在meritocratic ideal(精英管理的理想)有障碍,确实需要一种强制的手段,即强制设定男女比例。”所以可以看出作者是持“赞成”的态度。 40. suitable public policies
【解析】题干中的women entering top management become headlines是对第6段第二句话when women do break through to the summit of the corporate power的同义改写,become headlines是对后面for example所举的Sheryl Sandberg的事例的概括。答案出现在第7段开头。第7段是提出一种解决措施,“If appropriate pubic choices were in place to help all women, ...Sandberg would be no more newsworthy...”,这个句子是if虚拟条件句,是对未来的一种美好展望,也是提出观点的一种方式,
意思是“如果有合理的公共政策来帮助所有的女性,Sandberg也就没有报道价值了”。所以正确答案是C,因为缺少“suitable public policies”。 Part B
41.【答案】F Planning is everything
【解析】段落首句谈到“Impulsive spending isn’t an option, so plan your work’s menu in advance...”,其表达的含义是:冲动消费不是一个好的选择,所以提前计划你一周的菜单,为你所需材料的具体数量做一个购物清单。首句中出现了因果逻辑关联词so,而下文又没有出现明显转折,因此首句是本段的中心句。文章进而提及作者为此专门做一个Excel表格,并且认为这样做不仅花钱少并且有助于均衡饮食。显然文章的中心在于首句谈到的“plan”,而中心不是选项B表达的“balance your diet”,故答案为F。
42.【答案】E Stick to what you need
【解析】段落第二句话中的代词“them”指代第一句中的“supermarkets and their anonymity”。该句通过这一指代顺接第一句,表达了一个否定的含义,即你不需要在小贩那里感到尴尬。紧接着第三句用肯定的语气指出“if you plan properly, you’ll know that you only need... 350g of shin of beef... ”即如果你合理的规划,你就会清楚知道你想要什么,比如你只需要350克牛肉。作者通过语义上层层递进的方式指出了这一段的中心:你需要什么就买什么,要对你所需要购买的东西的分量要坚持。因此选项E为正确选项。 43.【答案】G Waste not, want not
【解析】本段内容首先谈到“你可能骄傲的说冰箱里只有冷冻的青豆,但是这还不够”。这句话中虽然没有明显的转折词,但在语义上属于隐性转折,因此段落的重点应该在后面。第二句提到“Mine is filled with...”,其中Mine等于my freezer,通过指代顺接上一句话。接着第三句前半句指出“提前做好计划可以避免浪费”,后半句具体陈述了怎样避免浪费。其中“eliminate wastage”与选项G中的“waste not”构成同义替换。虽然该句中出现了planning, 但是本段的主要内容是谈到对于剩余的食物要尽可能充分利用,从而避免浪费。所以选项G谈到“不浪费,不愁缺”为正确选项。 44. Shopkeepers are your friends
【解析】该段首句的句内出现转折,重点在转折之后。第一句but转折之后提到“it really is a top tip”,即这真的是一个好的提议。那么首先要还原it所指代的内容。句前没有提供信息,句后第二句提到“shop at butchers,...regularly, ..and be super friendly”。其中“be friendly”通过词性转换和选项C中的“are your friends”够成同义替换。同时,根据就近指代原则,这也是it所指代的内容。最后一句通过具体的信息描述了购物时表现出友好的态度所带来的好处:they will let you have for free(通常他们都会免费给你),因此选项C为正确选项。 45. Remember to treat yourself
【解析】该段首句句内出现转折,重点在转折之后。第一句but后提到“save your pennis and once every few months treat yourself to a set lunch”,其表达的含义是要节省钱,但可以每几个月款待自己一次。而该句也是本段落的中心句。段落余下的信息都是在用数据来解释这个道理。选项D中出现了“treat yourself”,属于原词复现。因此选项D为正确选项。 Section III Translation 46. 翻译
我从不会因大脑吸信息量过大而感到难以承受。我的大脑似乎可以处理它们,并将其有序地存储于脑中。每当忆及忧伤往事,和其他人一样,我会尽量将其搁置一旁。我不认为因为我的记忆更为清晰,自己就比其他人更难做到此事。好记性并没有让我的情感体验更鲜活生动。祖父去世那天的情景和之前那天我去医院看望他时的伤心欲绝都历历在目。我也还记得当天在音乐剧《毛发》百老汇开场演出。这两件事都以同样的方式跃入我的脑海。 【解析】
1. I can pick a date from the past 53 years and know instantly where I was, what happened in the news and even the day of the week. 【词汇】instantly:立即、马上;
【分析】句子主干为I can pick a date…and know…;宾语部分为where…,what…and even…。句子中并列结构突出。
2. I’ve been able to do this, since I was four.
【分析】句子主干为I’ve been able to do this, since 引导时间状语从句 【译文】自从四岁,我就具备这种能力。
3. I never feel overwhelmed with the amount of information my brain absorbs. 【词汇】overwhelmed:压垮,压倒,淹没; absorb:吸收
【分析】句子主干为I never feel overwhelmed with…,省略关系词的定语从句my brain absorbs作后置定语修饰information
3. My mind seems to be able to cope and the information is stored away neatly. 【词汇】cope:处理; store:存储; neatly:整齐的,整洁的
【分析】句子主干为My mind seems to be…and the information is… 【译文】我的大脑似乎可以处理它们,并将其有序地存储于脑中。
4. When I think of a sad memory, I do what everybody does---try to put it to one side. 【词汇】think of:考虑,想起;
【分析】句子主干为I do what…what引导宾语从句,破折号后try to put it to one side对其进行解释说明;when引导时间状语从句。
【译文】每当忆及忧伤往事,和其他人一样,我会尽量将其搁置一旁。 5. I don’t think it’s harder for me just because my memory is clearer. 【词汇】clear:清晰的
【分析】句子主干为I don’t think its harder for me, because引导原因状语从句。It指代上句话内容。
6. Powerful memory doesn’t make my emotions any more acute or vivid.
【词汇】powerful:强大的,权力大的; emotion:情感,情绪; acute:敏锐的,敏感的; vivid:生动的,形象的
【分析】句子主干为Powerful memory doesn’t make… 【译文】好记性并没有让我的情感体验更鲜活生动
7. I can recall the day my grandfather died and the sadness I felt when we went to the hospital the day before.
【分析】句子主干为I can recall the day…and the sadness…省略引导词的定语从句my grandfather died作后置定语修饰the day;同样省略引导词的定语从句I felt修饰sadness(定语从句关系词做宾语时可以省略);when引导时间状语从句对the sadness I felt进行修饰。
8. I also remember that the musical play Hair opened on Broadway on the same day---they both just pop into my mind in the same way.
【词汇】musical play:音乐剧; Hair:《毛发》(1968年上演,是对美国百老汇音乐剧的颠覆,获得托尼奖); Broadway:百老汇; pop:突然出现
【分析】句子主干I also remember that…,that 引导的宾语从句主干为the musical play Hair opened…;破折号后they指代前两句话的内容,表示同一天发生的两件截然不同的事件,突出前面提到的好记性并未使我的情感体验更鲜活生动。
Section IV Writing 47. 应用文范文
Dear my beloved classmates,
On the evening of January 4th, 2013, we will hold a charity sale for children who need help at the school auditorium.
The kids come from remote areas where they can not be educated properly. Our assistance may change their destinies. Many pop stars, such as Jay and Jackie Chan, will attend the activity. The school master and most of the teachers of our school will also join us.
I trust you will be disengaged and able to give the poor children a hand. Thank you very much for your kindness. Yours sincerely Li Ming 48. 大作文写作
Emerging from the bar-chart above is a popular phenomenon that the proportion of the students having par-time jobs has changed during the four years’ study. The proportion increases slightly from the first year to the third year, however, the fourth year has witnessed a fast increase, surging to 88.24%.
As they are about to enter into the society, more people think that concurrent post after school benefits
greater than disadvantage, cast aside making money to no comment. The bar-chart above serves to remind us that qualifications are something essential if you want to find a good job after you leave school, but on the other hand, college students can get some working experience which is as valuable as their academic achievement.
Anyway, in my point of view, it is difficult to judge whether taking part time jobs is good or bad. It depends on how you deal with the relationship between working and learning. If you can balance it well, you are sure to get enough knowledge as well as experience, so as to get ready for your future success.
SectionI Use of English Directions:
Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
Thinner isn’t always better. A number of studies have __1___ that normal-weight people are in fact at higher risk of some diseases compared to those who are overweight. And there are health conditions for which being overweight is actually ___2___. For example, heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women. ___3___ among the elderly, being somewhat overweight is often an ___4___ of good health.
Of even greater ___5___ is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define. It is often defined ___6___ body mass index, or BMI. BMI ___7__ body mass divided by the square of height. An adult with a BMI of 18 to 25 is often considered to be normal weight. Between 25 and 30 is overweight. And over 30 is considered obese. Obesity, ___8___,can be divided into moderately obese, severely obese, and very severely obese.
While such numerical standards seem 9 , they are not. Obesity is probably less a matter of weight than body fat. Some people with a high BMI are in fact extremely fit, 10 others with a low BMI may be in poor 11 .For example, many collegiate and professional football players 12 as obese, though their percentage body fat is low. Conversely, someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a 13 BMI.
Today we have a(an) _14 _ to label obesity as a disgrace.The overweight are sometimes_15_in the media with their faces covered. Stereotypes _16_ with obesity include laziness, lack of will power,and lower prospects for success.Teachers,employers,and health professionals have been shown to harbor biases against the obese. _17_very young children tend to look down on the overweight, and teasing about body build has long been a problem in schools.
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