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0 For the definition given in each item in questions 11 to 15, find a matching word in the specified paragraph. The number given after each definition indicates the paragraph in which the word appears.(1x5)

1 pretension to knowledge not possessed(2)

2 adjustment(3)

3 appearing periodically(4)

4 display of narrow-minded learning(7)

5 bodies invisible to the naked eye(13)


5 THE STUDY OF MAN Irving S. Lee

1 The study of man—even, the scientific study—is ancient and respectable. It goes back to Aristotle, to Hippocrates, and beyond them to obscure beginnings. Today, it is one of the chief studies of the learned. Like our other activities, it may be divided into two parts, the successful part and the unsuccessful part. Speaking very generally and with due regard to numerous and important exceptions, it may be said that the successful part of the scientific study of man is related to medicine, the unsuccessful part to philosophy and to the social sciences. These relations are not only historical, they are also to be seen in methods, attitudes, and traditions.

2 The successes of medicine and the medical sciences have not been lightly won; from a multitude of failures, they are the survivals and the fortunate productions of tile best or the most-favored men among an endless succession of skillful physicians though pedantry, incompetency, and charlatanry have often hindered and, in evil times, even

arrested the accumulations of medical science for long periods, since Hippocrates, at least, the tradition of skillful practice has never been quite lost the tradition that combines theory and practice. This tradition is, especially in three elements, indispensable.

3 Hippocrates teaches, first, hard, persistent, intelligent, responsible, unremitting labor in the sickroom, not in the library;the all-round adaptation of the doctor to his task, an


adaptation that is far from being merely intellectual. This is adaptation chiefly through the establishment of conditioned reflexes. Something like it seems to be a necessary part of the mastery of any material or of effective work in any medium.

4 Hippocrates teaches, secondly, accurate observation of things and events; selection, guided by judgment born of familiarity, of the salient and the recurrent phenomena; and their classification and methodical exploitation.

5 Hippocrates teaches, thirdly, the judicious construction of a theory—not a

philosophical theory, nor a grand effort of the imagination, nor a quasi—religious dogma, but a modest pedestrian affair, or perhaps I had better say, a useful walking stick to help on the way.

6 All this may be summed up thus: The physician must have, first, intimate habitual intuitive familiarity with things; secondly, a systematic knowledge of things; and thirdly, an effective way of thinking about things.

7 Experience shows that this is the way to success. It has long been followed in

studying sickness, but hardly at all in studying the other experiences of daily life. Let us, therefore, consider more carefully what Hippocrates did and what he did not do. He was in reaction chiefly against three things: firstly, against the ancient, traditional myths and superstitions which still prevailed among the physicians of his day; secondly, against the recent intrusion of philosophy into medical doctrine; thirdly, against the extravagant

system of diagnoses of the Cnidian School, a body of contemporary physicians who seem to have suffered from a familiar form of professional pedantry. Here, Hippocrates was opposing the pretentious systematization of knowledge that lacked solid, objective

foundation—the concealment of ignorance, probably more or less unconsciously, with a show of knowledge. Note well that such concealment is rarely altogether dishonest and may be practised in thorough good faith.

8 The social sciences today suffer from defects that are not unlike the defects of medicine to which Hippocrates was opposed. Firstly, social and political myths are everywhere current, and if they involve forms of superstition that are less apparent to us than the medical superstitions of long ago, that may well be because we recognize the latter class of superstitions for what they are while still accepting or half accepting the former class. Secondly, there is at least as much philosophy mingled with our current social science as there was at any time in the medical doctrines of the Greeks. Thirdly, a great part of the social science of today consists of elaborate speculation on an insufficient foundation of fact.

9 Hippocrates endeavored to avoid myths and traditional rules, the grand search for philosophical truth, the authority of philosophical beliefs, the concealment of ignorance with a show of systematic knowledge. He was concerned, first of all not to conceal his own ignorance from himself.

10 Experience shows that there are two kinds of human behavior which it is ordinarily convenient and often essential to distinguish.


11 One is the thinking, talking, and writing, by those who are so familiar with relevant concrete experiences that they cannot ordinarily forget the facts, about two kinds of subjects. These are;firstly, concrete observations—observations and experiences which are representable by means of sharply defined or otherwise unambiguous words; and secondly, more general considerations, dearly and logically related to such concrete observations and experiences.

12 The other kind of behavior is thinking, talking, and writing about vague or general ideas or \and which are not designated by sharply defined words.

13 In the social sciences, special methods and special skills are few. It is hard to think of anything that corresponds to a mathematician's skill in performing mathematical operations or to a bacteriologist's skill in cultivating microorganisms or to a clinician's skill in making physical examinations.

14 Classificatory, descriptive knowledge, which is so conspicuous in the medical sciences and in natural history and which has proved so essential to the development of such sciences, is relatively lacking in the social sciences. Moreover, there is no common accord among social scientists concerning the classes and subclasses of the things they study, and there is even much disagreement about nomenclature.

15 The theories of the social sciences seem to be in a curious state. One body of theory, that of economies is highly developed, has been cast in mathematical form, and has

reached a stage that is thought to be in some respects definitive. This theory, like those of the natural sciences, is the result of the concerted efforts of a great number of

investigators and has evolved in a manner altogether similar to the evolution of certain theories in the natural sciences. But it is hardly applicable to concrete reality.

16 The reasons why economic theory is so difficult to apply to concrete events are that it is an abstraction from an immensely complex reality and that reasoning from theory to practice is here, nearly always vitiated by \application suggests the analogy of applying Galileo's law of falling bodies to the motion of a falling leaf in a stiff breeze. Experience teaches that under such circumstances it is altogether unsafe to take more than a single step in deductive reasoning without verifying the conclusions by observation or experiment. Nevertheless, many economists, some cautiously and others less cautiously are in the habit of expressing opinions deduced from theoretical considerations concerning economic practice. There is here a striking contrast with medicine, where it is almost unknown for a theorist inexperienced in practice to prescribe the treatment of a patient.

17 In other fields of social science, theories are generally not held in common by all investigators, but, as in philosophical systems, tend to be sectarian beliefs. This is true even in psychology where the conflicts of physiological psychologists, behaviorists. Gestaltists, and others sometimes almost suggest theological controversy.




