Maxi-anion channel as a candidate pathway for osmosensitive ATP release from mouse astrocy
Maxi-anion channel as a candidate pathway for osmosensitive ATP release from mouse astrocytes
in primary culture
Hong-Tao Liu;Abduqodir H Toychiev;Nobuyuki Takahashi;Ravshan Z Sabirov;Yasunobu Okada
【期刊名称】《细胞研究(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2008(018)005
【摘要】In the present study,we aimed to evaluate the pathways contributing to ATP release from mouse astrocytes during hypoosmotic stress.We first examined the expression of mRNAs for proteins constituting possible ATPreleasing pathways that have been suggested over the past several years.In RT-PCR analysis using both control and osmotically swollen astrocytes,amplification of cDNA fragments of expected size was seen for connexins (Cx32,Cx37,Cx43),pannexin 1 (Pxl),the P2X7 receptor,MRP1 and MDRI,but not CFTR.Inhibitors of exocytotie
channels,CFTR,MRPI,MDR1,the P2X7 receptor,and volume-sensitive outwardly rectifying chloride channels had no significant effects on the massive ATP release from astrocytes.In contrast,the hypotonicity-induced ATP release from astrocytes was most effectively inhibited by gadolinium release from several other cell types.Thus,we propose that the maxi-anion channel constitutes a major pathway for swelling-
Maxi-anion channel as a candidate pathway for osmosensitive ATP release from mouse astrocy