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河南城建学院本科毕业设计(论文) 摘要






河南城建学院本科毕业设 Abstract


With the development of economy and the people living standard rise, public buildings and residential heating and air conditioning has become a universal requirement. As Chinese traditional heating coal-fired boiler is not only low energy efficiency, but also will cause serious pollution to the atmosphere, thus coal-fired boiler in being phased out in some cities, while the fuel and gas boiler operation cost is very high. Ground source heat pump is a technically and economically has bigger advantage solution alternative heating and air conditioning.

Ground source heat pump is the use of shallow ground to heat and cooling of the new energy utilization technology, is a kind of heat pump, heat pump is the use of carnot cycle and reverse carnot cycle principle of heat transfer and cooling capacity of the equipment. Ground source heat pump can usually refers to the transfer of underground heat or cold quantity in the soil to where it is needed. Heat pump is frequently used as a air conditioning refrigeration or heating. Ground source heat pump has also used the underground soil enormous accumulation of heat storage capacity, the winter ground source heat transferred to the building from the underground soil, summer to transfer the cold underground to buildings, a year to form a hot and cold cycle. Can or simple layer of geothermal resources of the earth's surface temperature is relatively stable throughout the year, higher than the ambient air temperature in winter, the summer than the ambient air temperature is low, it is a good heat source of heat and air conditioning cold source, the temperature characteristic makes the ground source heat pump is 40% higher than traditional air conditioning system operation efficiency, therefore to energy efficiency and save operating cost by about 40%. Ground source heat pump technology, with its characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, renewable energy has been rapid development in our country, also get a number of engineering application in wuhan, this paper review and summarize the wuhan area ground source heat pump technology application and development situation, there are many ways for the analysis of the


河南城建学院本科毕业设 Abstract

ground source heat pump and the main problems existing in the development and engineering application, proposed the wuhan ground source heat pump application and the development countermeasures and Suggestions.

Key words: traditional heating, ground source heat pump, the energy conservation and development


河南城建学院本科毕业设 目录


摘要 ······················································································· I Abstract ················································································ II 前言 ······················································································ 1 第一章

地源热泵简介 ····························································· 1

1.1 地源热泵的定义 ······························································ 1 1.2地源热泵的特点 ······························································· 1 1.3 地源热泵的优点 ······························································ 4 1.4 地源热泵的发展趋势 ························································ 5 1.5 地源热泵在武汉 ······························································ 5 第二章 空调系统设计依据 ························································ 1 2.1 室外气象参数 ································································· 1 2.2 室内设计参数确定 ··························································· 1 2.3 设计范围 ······································································· 1 2.4 设计原则 ······································································· 2 第三章 负荷计算 ···································································· 1 3.1 冷负荷计算 ···································································· 1 3.1.1 外墙和屋面瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 ································ 1 3.1.2 内围护结构冷负荷 ····················································· 1 3.1.3 外玻璃窗逐时传热形成的冷负荷 ··································· 2 3.1.4 透过玻璃窗的日射得热形成的冷负荷 ····························· 2 3.1.5 设备散热形式的冷负荷 ··············································· 2 3.1.6 照明散热形式的冷负荷 ··············································· 2 3.1.7 人体散热形成的冷负荷 ··············································· 3 3.2 人体散湿负荷 ································································· 3 3.3 生活热水热负荷 ······························································ 3 3.4工程负荷详细表 ······························································· 4 3.5最大负荷表 ····································································· 5


河南城建学院本科毕业设 目录

第四章 末端设备选型 ······························································ 6 第五章 空调水系统水力计算 ····················································· 7 5.1 空调水系统的设计 ··························································· 7 5.1.1设计原则 ··································································· 7 5.1.2 空调供回水管的水力计算 ············································· 7 5.2 空调水系统的水力计算 ··················································· 7 5.3 空调立管的水力计算 ························································ 8 5.3.1 计算依据 ·································································· 8 5.3.2 计算公式 ·································································· 8 5.3.3 计算结果(回水管同程系统) ······································· 8 5.4 冷凝水管道设计 ······························································ 8 5.4.1 设计原则 ·································································· 8 5.4.2 管径确定 ·································································· 9 5.5 水系统安装要求 ······························································ 9 第六章 空调风系统设计 ·························································· 11 6.1 风系统设计的一般原则 ···················································· 11 6.2 新风机组的确定 ····························································· 11 6.3 风口 ············································································· 11 6.4 风管设计及计算 ····························································· 12 6.4.1 风管设计规范 ··························································· 12 6.4.2 风道管径的确定 ························································ 12 第七章 地源热泵机组选择计算 ················································· 13 7.1 地源热泵机组选型计算 ···················································· 14 7.2空调循环水泵设计计算 ····················································· 14 7.2.1 水泵流量的确定 ························································ 14 7.2.2 水泵扬程的确定 ························································ 14 第八章 地下埋管的设计与计算 ················································· 16 8.1 冬夏季地下换热量的确定 ················································· 16 8.2 确定地下换热器的埋管形式 ·············································· 16




