陈双林1* 许芳1 闫淑珍1 李玉2
【摘 要】绒泡菌属是黏菌纲最大的一个属,通过标本的鉴定和复核以及文献考证等分类学研究,重新整理和报道了中国绒泡菌属黏菌的物种资料,计有93种,探讨了它们的分布特征和地理成分,一些种在中国的分布省区被增补。 【期刊名称】菌物学报 【年(卷),期】2012(031)006 【总页数】12
Physarum one of the largest genera in the class Myxomycetes.It was erected by Persoon in 1794 with the type species P.aureum (Lister) R.E.Fr., P.viride (Bull.) Pers.About 135 species were recognized and accepted in this genus (Kirk et al.2008), and they accounted for about 9% of all known myxomycete species.A definition of the genus given by Martin & Alexopoulos (1969) was widely accepted and still in use.Fruiting bodies aresporangia or plasmodiocarps, near aethalia occasionally; peridia single-layered or doublelayered, calcareous; stalks when presents usually tubular and transluscent, or filled with limy or dark unshaped granules; sometimes with lime on exterior surface only; capillitium slender thread-like and hyaline, connecting by limy nodes, forming a network; lime granules amorphous in all parts of fruiting