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Unit 3 My weekend plan第一课时教学设计

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学科 课题 英语 年级 六年级 主备人 课时 课型 Lesson 1 Unit 3 My weekend plan New 教学 目标 1.学生能够听、说、认读句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. I have to do my homework now. 2. 学生能够运用句型讨论自己的活动计划:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to。。。 3. 学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演 4. 学生能够合理计划自己的活动。 学生能够听、说、认读句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. I have to do my homework now. 教学 重点 教学 难点 教学方法 教 学 流 程 能够运用句型讨论自己的活动计划 多媒体课件、点读机、教材、情景教学法、小组合作教学法、 教具 图片、 Step One: Warming up and revision Free talks: What do you often do on the weekend? I often… What are you going to do this weekend?学生回答,引出本单元的话题 My weekend plan. Step Two: Presentation 1. Let’s try (1)T: It’s Saturday moring. Sarah in on the phone with Mike. Listen and cirle the right answer. (2) Check the answers. 2. New sentence learning (1) What is Sarah going to do? She is going to… (2) 讲解:be going to 的意识是“打算做什么事情” (3) I have 5 weekend activities: go ice-skating; wash clothes; draw pictures; make a snowman; go for a picnic. Which activity do you like? Please answer my question: T: What are you going to do this weekend? S: I’m going to… 3. Let’s talk (1) T: Mike is on the phone with Sarah now. Watch the video and answer the questions: 1 / 2

a. What is Sarah going to do tomorrow? b.What is Mike going to do tomorrow? (2)Watch it again and fill in the blanks a. Sarah and her classmates are going to _____________ in Renmin Park. b. Mike has to ________now. (3) Read the dialogue after the tape. (4) Let’s act as Mike and Sarah. Step Three: Consolidation and extension 1. 情境设计: It’s Friday, you are talking the weekend plan with your friend. (1) A demo with a student What are you going to do this weekend/tomorrow? I’m going to… What about you?(Let’s …together.) (2) Practise with the partner 2. Talk about our classmates weekend plan 根据刚才同学们的反馈信息,进行提问 What is… going to do? What are…going to do? 3. Let’s wrap it up 语法小结 (1) Be going to 表达的意思 “打算要做的事情” (2) Be 动词的用法复习 What ____ Sarah going to do? _____ _____ going to play the piano. What ______ John and Mike going to do? _______ ______ ______ to do homework. Step Four: Assessment and homework 1. Do the exercises on the AB. 2. Homework: Unit 3 My Weekend Plan What are you going to do...? I’m going to … visit my grandparents see a film go to the supermarket take a trip 板书设 计 教学 我最后的综合操练对所学新知识进行了复习巩固,但没有真正让学生运用身边的实物如学习用品进行替换复习综合运用,因此,语言和句型教在有限的教学空间内教师还必须加强知识的复现和反思 学能在有限的时间内,综合运用,以收到令人满意的教学效果。 2 / 2

Unit 3 My weekend plan第一课时教学设计


