一:网络故事书( web- storybook service readi ng
网络故事书的好处 1. 可以教小朋友读书
2. 经济实惠,家长不需要为孩子买书了 3. 可以代替父母陪伴孩子,为家长节省时间 lecture
1. 使用时不能和小朋友互动( ask question and get feedback ) 2. 网络上的故事都是过时的,要想读新故事还是要买书(不足) 3. 父母与孩子一起读书可以增进感情
例文: The speaker rebuts the readi ng's argume nt by poin ti ng out
the in adequacy of the web-storybook services' in teractio n with childre n, the in complete ness of the data pool, and by un derm ining the assumptio n that sav ing pare nts' readi ng time is a ben efit.
The_speaker_begi ns_by_stat in g_that_merely pronouncing the words and story for the children will_not_ provide_ adequate learning experiences. Despite_ the time saved and pronun ciati on utilities laid out i n the readi ng, the web services can only respond with \The_lack_of feedback to children's questions will not create an effective learning process.
Then_the_ speaker_goes_ on_to_ argue_ that the current web-storybook services have a very limited collect ion of books, thus not bein g_able_to_save_pare nts_the cost of new books as_ the_ reading_states,_ because_ the_ parents_still have_to_ buy many books
that the web services do not provide.
Lastly, the_ speaker_ challenges_the_ validity of the_ assumption_of saving parents' time to read stories to childre n. The readi ng argues that savi ng the time is a ben efit for the parents, but_the_speaker_maintains_that __ the whole point of reading stories is far beyond reading stories alone. In contrast,_it_is_an_essential way of com muni cati ng and buildi ng relati on ship betwee n pare nts and childre n.
二:药品广告(drug advertisement )
提出命题:药品广告所提供的信息都是客观全面的,且病人对药物了解得越多越好 1. 病人可以更多了解处方药的相关信息(
information )
2. 医生开药时,病人可以与广告上进行比较,有利于选药 3. 通过广告,病人可以了解到新药的发展,提醒医生
挑战命题:病人不需要对药物了解太多, 因为有时候了解得太多会对非专业的病人产生困扰, 而且广告所提供的信息也不完整全面
1. 广告通常只有宣传好处,对副作用( side effects 2. 病人对药物的准确用法用量不了解,可能会用错
3. 广告只宣传新药,对旧药没有宣传,但是针对不同的病情,也许旧药更为合适
The speaker raises serious coun terargume nts aga inst the readi ng paragraphs by providi ng drastically differe nt evide nces regard ing
the effects of the advertiseme nt, the impact of self-select ing medicati on, and the impact of trends in the pharmaceutical in dustry.
Firstly, knowing more in formatio n from the ads will not n ecessarily_help_the_ patie nts make better- in formed decisi ons, as the read ing argues. On_ the contrary, __ patients, without professional training and knowledge, will_be_more_susceptible _______ to misun dersta nding in formati on. For example,_they_would focus only on the positive sides of a certain medicine while ignoring the serious side effects.
In addition, if the_patients bear the responsibility of prescribing their own medication, they assume more responsibility
to their own health. This_ makes doctors
less liable for potential risks and undesirable consequences.
Lastly, as for the new tren ds' ben efits to the patie nts, the speaker does not challenge the reading directly. _lnstead,_ he argues that the new medicine, which will count for most of the ads may not necessarily be the best medicine, even though the patie nts can inform their doctors about the new products.
三:网络问卷( web based survey ) readi ng
1. 调查范围更广,所以调查结果就更为准确(逻辑错误: 保证参加人多并不代表范围广,也不能 效果好)
2. 发放,填写和收集问卷更加方便简单 3. 成本低 lecture
1. 所取得的调查结果不全面 (biased),因为不是所有人都会上网, 中老年人上网会比较少, 而年轻人上网比较多
2. 成本并不会低,因为一个好的网络问卷需要一个团队的大量工作 卷也需要成本和人力资源)
3. 大多数人对网络问卷都不严肃,会得到不正确的信息,容易混淆视听。
例文: The speaker questi ons the effective ness of web based surveys by providi ng evide nces con tradictory to the readi ng.
Firstly, he ide ntified the read in g's logical flaw in assu ming that an in crease in the scope and qua ntity of the survey will automatically tran slate to greater precisi on of the
surveys. However, if surveys aim to questi on people over 60 years
old, how_ca n_ these old people con duct surveys on li ne since this group seldom surf the Internet? _ The web surveys are effective in reaching mainly the young generation. Thus the results cannot be exte nded to dem on strate the views of the whole populatio n.
Secon dly, although the web-based surveys will lower paper cost, they will in evitably in cur new costs in web desig ning, flashy features, and other eleme nts, which will require more costly team work. This evidence_effectively_attacks_the __________ readi ng's argume nt that web surveys will certa inly reduce the cost of the survey. In the end, many web desig ners tend to overdo in the webpage and add fancy and flashy features. As a result, many people perceive the web-based surveys as not serious and are thus not willing that draw attention deleted.
to respond to the surveys. _Unlike_ physical surveys many web based surveys are simply ignored or even
四:打分偏高(in flation of marks readi ng 老师给学生打的分数越来越高
1. 分数打得低会减低学生的学习意志 2. 会影响教师自己的测评结果
3. 因为别的老师给的成绩高,如果不跟着给高分,学生出去找工作会吃亏 lecture
1. 应从小灌输正确的学习观念,不应因一次小失利而丧失信心
2. 教师的评测可以改在学期结束前进行,这样学生的成绩就不会影响到评测结果 3. 企业在选拔人才时可以看学生在班级中的排名而不是单纯的成绩
例文: The speaker challenges the reasoning that supports the current inflation in college gradi ng system, provides very specific
alter natives to teacher evaluati on
tim ing and employer methodology in judg ing a stude nt.
The speaker firstly argues that the in flated grades will not en able stude nts to truly know their weakness, not_ to_ mention_ improve upon them. According to the reading, low grades will discourage students. The speaker rebuts this point and argues that the true meaning of education is not just to satisfy students. Letting
the students
make progress is the purpose and inflated grades will not help students in this way. As_for_the_readi ng's_c on cerns_that_low_grades will adversely affect teachers' evaluation, the speaker offers a solution. By finishing the teachers' evaluation before the end of the semester, we can sever the connections between grades and teachers' evaluati ons.
Lastly, the speaker argues that the school does not have to follow the trend of in flated grades in variably. The readi ng argues that if the school does not follow the trend, their stude nts will be discrim in ated, the lecture says that this problem can be solved by providi ng a weighted relative score. This score will pinpoint a student's
percentile in the whole student body and show the other students' scores,
the students'
thus allow ing employers to clearly positi on the stude nt among the en tire stude nt