【2013学年第一学期普陀区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 孩子们总是对周边的一切都非常好奇。(curious)
2. 她在比赛中表现出色,给评委留下了深刻的印象。(which)
3. 一进学校,她就意外得知有一所名校录取她了。(No sooner…)
4. 奇怪的是,这些年轻人对这些我们都耳熟能详的歌曲却一无所知。(know)
5. 为了纪念这位伟大的宇航员,据说明年将会开拍一部电影让人们了解他的事迹。
【2013学年第一学期宝山区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 部长的回答令所有在场的记者都很满意。(present) 2. 我婉言谢绝了他的帮助,我想自食其力。(decline) 3. 显而易见,你的行为对你今后的发展很不利。(damage)
4. 只有在事故发生以后人们才能意识到问题的严重性,这真是个遗憾。(Only)
5. 现在许多城市的空气质量越来越糟糕,从某种程度上说这对整个地球都是很大的威胁。(threat)
【2013学年第一学期杨浦区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. Tom今天没来上学,因为他染上了流感。(infect)
2. 鉴于上海高昂的生活成本,许多年轻夫妇无意再生第二胎。(intention) 3. 只有政府采取严厉的措施,我们才有望看到空气质量的真正改善。(Only) 4. 在台上的手语翻译是个精神病人,这是多么荒谬的事啊!(How)
5. 令全国人民兴奋的是中国成为了第三个实现无人宇宙飞船在月球表面软着陆的国家。
(excite, softland)
【2013学年第一学期闵行区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 82. 越来越多的年轻人花在网上浏览的时间比看书还多。(spend)
83. 在生物实验室,教授重点介绍了一些实验可用的材料。(available)
84. 参加各类体育活动有利于中学生的健康成长。(participate)
85. 只有当你放弃所有消极的想法时,你才会感受到生活带给你的幸福。(Only...)
86. 无论你生活在哪个国家,这些国家的风俗有多么不同,友好和乐于助人总是礼貌的一部
【2013学年第一学期长宁区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 每年圣诞期间百货店里的商品都减价出售。(sale)
2. 如今人们非常关注的是食品安全和空气质量。(concern)
3. 无论多么艰难,交给咱们的任务都必须按时完成。(however)
4. 专家们一入座外语节的演讲比赛就在王校长的主持下开始了。(Hardly)
5. 遍布城市每个角落的星巴克 (Starbucks) 满足了人们适应快节奏生活的需要。(adapt)
【2013学年第一学期黄浦区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 他总是不懂装懂。(pretend)
2. 他没有参加这次面试,这使他失去了一份薪水丰厚的工作。(which)
3. 相对而言,污染带来的威胁比疾病更加严重。(threat)
4. 很多边远村学校没有图书馆,以致一些孩子没有读过课本以外的任何书籍。 (available)
5. 他到美国呆了一段时间后,才知道之前他对这个国家的了解是何等肤浅。(Only)
【2013学年第一学期徐汇区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 格林先生本周日要去拜访一位朋友,此人精通理财之道。(who)
2. 人们是否会推迟退休还有待于讨论(remain)。
3. 无论任务多么艰巨,我们都要不遗余力地完成。(However)
4. 许多公司在雇佣员工时,相对于能力而言,更看重个性。 (emphasis)
5. 如果双方在这些事务上能达成共识,就有可能在新的领域进一步合作。(If...)
【2013学年第一学期嘉定区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: sentences into English, using the word or phrase given in the brackets. 1、是采取严厉措施治理环境污染的时候了。(measures)
4、只要你尽力了,就没道理为成功或失败而苦恼。(no sense)
Translate the following
【2013学年第一学期虹口区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 不努力我们是很容易落伍的。(fall)
2. 如果方便的话,请安排一辆车到机场接我。(convenient)
3. 雨连续下了两周,教练不得不考虑推迟比赛了。(choice)
4. 如何平衡好过多的作业和有限的时间对我们学生说是一个挑战。(challenge)
5. 在场的人们都为这些地震灾民担心,他们已被困三天,至今生死未卜。(trap)
【2013学年第一学期松江区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 生态旅游似乎正在全世界迅速发展。(seem)
2. 作为高三学生,我们应该知道如何调节心理状态。(adjust)
3. 这个问题很值得讨论,它与我们未来的生活息息相关。(related)
4. 只有在经历了这次难忘的旅行后,他才意识到能给别人带来幸福的人是世上最幸福的人。(Only)
6. 虽然雾霾(haze)给人们的日常生活带来很大的影响,但到目前为止政府还没有找到解决
它的可行办法。 (Despite)
【2013学年第一学期青浦区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.那家新开的咖啡馆每月盈利5千元。(profit)
【2013学年第一学期金山区高三英语质量调研试卷】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我不认为我今天所说的话能改变别人对我的看法。(attitude)
3.很多人心甘情愿排长队买音乐会的票。( willing )
5.是时候采取行动控制私车数量以缓解高峰时期的交通压力。( relieve )
【2013学年第一学期普陀区高三英语质量调研试卷】 1、孩子们总是对周边的一切都非常好奇。(curious) Kids are always very curious about what is around them. 或:all the things around them; quite curious about 评分标准,满分4分:
1. kids前误添the,扣0.5分 2. 漏翻always 或very均扣0.5分
3. be curious about错误扣1分 4. 错误使用时态,没有使用一般现在时扣1分 2、她在比赛中表现出色,给评委留下了深刻的印象。(which)
She performed excellently in the contest, which left a deep impression on the judges. 或:did well/ excellently; in the competition; impressed the judges deeply 评分标准,满分4分:
1. 错误使用时态扣1分 2. 动词结构perform excellently, leave sb. a deep impression均1分 3. 没有使用which引导的非限制性定于从句,扣1分 4. 错误翻译in the contest或the judges均扣0.5分
3、一进学校,她就意外得知有一所名校录取她了。(No sooner…)
No sooner had she come into/ entered school than she unexpectedly knew/ learned that she was admitted into a key school/ a famous university. 评分标准,满分4分:
1. 倒装结构使用错误扣1分 2. 时态错误扣1分 3. 动词结构come into school, unexpectedly know/ learn that…, be admitted into均0.5分 4. 名词词组a key school/ a famous university 0.5分
Strangely enough,/ It’s strange that these/ the teenagers know nothing about the song(s) which/ that are familiar to us/ we are familiar with. 评分标准,满分5分:
1. 句型Strangely enough或It’s strange that…1分 2. 一般现在时、一般过去时均可,时态错误扣1分 3. 动词结构know nothing about 1分 4. 形容词词组be familiar with sth/ be familiar to sb 1分 5. 名词the teenagers或the song(s)均0.5分
5、为了纪念这位伟大的宇航员,据说明年将会开拍一部电影让人们了解他的事迹。(memory) In memory of the great astronaut, it’s said that next year a film will be shot/ made/ produced to help/ let people know about his life. 评分标准,满分5分:
1. in memory of 结构1分 2. 句型结构it’s said that…0.5分 3. to help sb. do结构0.5分 4. 动词结构make/ shoot/ produce a film或know about均 1分 5. 名词词组the great astronaut或his life 均0.5分
1. The minister’s answer/ made all the reporters/ present/ quite pleased 2. I declined/ his offer of help/, for I would like to/ depend on myself.
3. It is obvious that/ what you are doing/ will do great damage/ to your future development.
4. Only until the accident/ takes place/ will people not realize/ how serious the result is/, which is really a pity.
5. The air quality in many cities/ is becoming worse and worse/, which is a great threat/ to the whole earth/ to some extent.
1. Tom is absent from school today because he is infected with a flu.
2. Due to the high living cost in Shanghai, many young couples have no intention to have a second child.
3. Only when the government takes serious measures can we expect the real improvement in air quality.
4. How ridiculous it is that the sign language interpreter on the stage is a mental patient!
5. What excited people all over the country was that China became the third country to softland an unmanned spacecraft on the (surface of the) moon. 【2013学年第一学期闵行区高三英语质量调研试卷】
82. More and more young people spend more time in surfing online than reading.
83. In the biology laboratory, the professor highlighted (focused on) the materials available for the experiment.
84. Participating in all kinds of physical (sports) activities benefits healthy growth of middle
school students.
85. Only when you let go of all the negative thoughts can you feel the happiness life brings to you. 86. Whatever countries you live in and however different their customs are, kindness and
readiness to help others are always parts of good manners (courtesy). 【2013学年第一学期长宁区高三英语质量调研试卷】
1. The goods in the department stores are all on sale at Christmas every year.
2. Nowadays what people are (very) much concerned about is food safety and air quality. Food safety and air quality are people’s major concerns nowadays.
3. However hard/ difficult it is, the task given to us must/ should be completed/ fulfilled on time. 4. Hardly had the experts sat down/ got seated/ seated themselves/ taken (their) seats when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival (that was) hosted by Principal Wang started. 5. The Starbucks in every corner of the city have met/ satisfied/ meet/ satisfy people’s needs/ demands to adapt to a/ the fast-paced life.
1. He always pretends / is always pretending to know what he doesn’t know. 2. He didn’t take part in the interview, which cost him a well-paid job. 3. By comparison / Comparatively speaking / Relatively speaking, the threat caused by pollution is more serious than that of illness.
4. Libraries are not available in many remote schools so that some children have never read any book(s) except textbooks.
5. Only after he stayed in America for some time did he know / realize how poor
his knowledge of the country was.
1. Mr. Green is going to visit\\see a friend this Sunday, who knows a lot about money
2. It remains to be discussed whether people will delay retiring. /Whether people will delay
retiring remains to be discussed.
3. However hard the task is, we should spare no efforts to accomplish it.
4. Many companies put more emphasis on personality than on capability when they employ
staff members.
5. If both the parties can agree on these issues, they are likely to further cooperate(have
further cooperation)in the new field.
1. It is (high) time to take strict measures to deal with the environment pollution. 2. His sister is/has been engaged to a talented/gifted young man.
3. According to the data (figures) released, the housing prices in cities keep rising/have been going up/ rising instead of falling/going down.
4. As long as/ if you have done/tried your best, there is no sense being/ getting upset/worried/bothered about failure or success.
5. It is the audience that/who provide for/support the stars, but some of them (would rather) think/insist that their achievements result from nothing but their own efforts. (Although…) 【2013学年第一学期虹口区高三英语质量调研试卷】
1. It is pretty easy for us to fall behind without effort.
2. If convenient, please arrange for a car to pick me up at the airport.
3. It has been raining for two weeks, so the coach has no choice but to consider putting off the
1. Eco-tourism seems to be developing quickly in the world. 1 1 1 1
2. As senior three students, we should know how to adjust mental state. 1 1 1 1
3. The problem is well worth discussing because it is closely related to our future life. 1 1 1 1
4. Only after he experienced the unforgettable trip, did he realize that those who bring 1 1 1 1 happiness to others are /were the happiest in the world. 1
5. Despite the fact that haze has greatly influenced people’s daily life, up to now 1 1 1 the government has not found a practical/feasible solution to it. 1 1 【2013学年第一学期青浦区高三英语质量调研试卷】
1. The new coffee shop makes a profit of 5000 yuan every month.
2. He was reluctant to admit that he had thrown the keys into the dustbin on purpose.
3. Due to/Because of the thick fog, dozens of vehicles were involved in the accident which
happened on highway G15.
4. It is a good idea to encourage old people to help out in nurseries in the neighborhood /community, which enables/can enable them to play their full part.
5. Contrary to our expectation/what we had expected, the funfair organized by the students was so interesting that two hours had passed/gone by before we realized it. 【2013学年第一学期金山区高三英语质量调研试卷】
1. I don’t think what I have said today can(will) change others’ attitude(s)towards me.
2. It is said that the company will give a banquet this evening in honor of the experts from Australia.
3. Many people are willing to wait in a long queue to buy the ticket for the concert.
4. When I worked as a volunteer in Africa, my relatives and friends were anxious for my safe return soon
5. It is time to take action to control the quantity of(the)private cars so as to relieve the traffic burden during the rush hours.



