9.all over him 这里all over him的意思是,不喜欢,全身挑毛病
这种词一定要看上下文,在they all find out 那集,chan对mon说 pheo is all over him ,这里就有引诱,往身上贴的意思,委婉的说是喜欢,:)
all over sb. 意思是非常喜欢...,着迷,因为喜欢得不得了,所以恨不得扑上去贴着
I'm all over you.我對你非常地著迷.
All over you 就是說對你非常地著迷, 這還有另一種表示方法, 叫 I have a crush on you. 這二句都是表達很喜歡某人的意思.
All over somebody 還有一個很常用的用法, 我把他翻成 \三貼\比如說你去舞廳跳舞, 看到有一對男女跳到三點都貼在一起了, 你就可以跟你的同伴說, Hey, look, the guy is dancing all over the girl. I'm over you.我跟你之間完了.
一字之差但是意思完全不同喔. 你要是說 I'm over you, 就是說我跟你之間完了, 我不想再和你有任何的瓜葛. 這和 I'm all over you 是完全不一樣的.
10.satan's minions at work again satan's minions
pheo说自己得了五百块,可是她并不高兴,所以chan就讥讽地说,又是satan's minions来干坏事啦!
11.a gallon of alan只是Chandler用来表达对alan喜欢程度的一个笑话罢,好像“日有三省”中的\三\一样,并非实指多少次,而是暗指“数量多,程度深”。
12.sometimes y bag lady问phoebe把元音都挑出来没?(她不吃有元音字母的汤)Phoebe就顺着她的话说“我按你的做了,不过Y还留在里面,你知道有时候Y(sometimespeople wanna know WHY)!呵呵,phoebe也不知道这个老太太为什么不吃原因所以逮个机会调侃一下她。
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13.The hair comes out, and the gloves come on
gloves (come on)是从一句俗语来的,其实就相当于hurt somebody。我估计是从拳击那边引过来的,as in boxing gloves。
本来rachel是站在phoebe一条战线上的(she thinks phoebe's chewing hair is endearing),没想到pheobe“恩将仇报”的讽刺了她一回,Rachel觉得被出卖了,所以说phoebe has the gloves on.
说有时候你还会听到类似的说法:“not lay a glove(fingure or hand) on”, which means leave unhurt.
14.Or, or, y'know, um, 'I think we should see other people' means 'Ha, ha, I already am'.
15.Cushions the blow cushion 就是缓和气氛,找话说来应付
16.loosely translated 泛泛地解释
17.I don't care“我不在乎”
18.deja vu n. 似曾相识的感觉;幻觉记忆
(French expression adopted in English) a feeling that you are seeing something you have 'already seen' before ... in a past life, dream, etc...
19.But you'll have to live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die
live with可理解为承受,knowledge就是指 you sent an honest man to die这个事实
20.Phoebe:Yeah-no-I'm jut-it's,I haven't worked-It's my bank.
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I haven't worked 的后半句应该是 it out,她心情很乱,不知道怎么说才好,才语无伦次
21.I've heard schho much about all you guyschh!
monica之前在perk里谈到她前一个男友总被他们嘲笑,原因就是那个男的说话舌头不直,chan还学他说:“We love Schhteve! Schhteve was schhexy!”这次alan见面也开玩笑学着说“schho much ”,所以大家都笑了。
22.Hassidie jewellers(犹太珠宝商)是他们比赛的对手,showed a thing or two about softball,给他们露了一两招
23.I stepped in gum. ...What is up with the universe?
表示极不满就会用到hell,文明点就是on earth,再粗俗点就是 F word。 What is up with ...是怎么了,因为stepped in gum跟她前面说的没什么关系,莫名其妙,所以才好笑
24.the way they were“原来的样子”
25.Yeah.He could row like a viking就是划起船来像个海盗,意思是他很有型
26.They say it's the same as the distance from the tip of a guy's thumb to the tip of his index finger.
据说食指尖到拇指尖的距离就是pee-pee的长度, 所以joey说\ridiculous!\
27.You're such a nice guy\alcoholics and complaining about them to you.
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觉。但不一定说a nice guy就是比他们差,而是觉得和他约会比较闷,只能用nice来形容了。
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