试卷代号:1366国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试英语教学理论与实践试题2020年l月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Information for the examinees :. Thisexaminationconsistsof2parts . Theyare :Sectionl : Basic theories and principles(40 points)Sectionll : Lesson plan(60 points). Thetotalmarksforthisexaminationare1OOpoints . Timeallowed for completing this examination 15 90 minutes .. TherewillbenoextratimetotransferanswerstotheAnswer Sheet ; Therefore , you should write ALL youranswers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task .1007Sectionl : Basic Theories and Principles(40 points)Questionsl一20 are based on this part .Directions : Choose the best answer fromA , B or C for each question . Write your answer on theAnswer Sheet .1 . Which aspect of needs analysis does the following situation reflect ?W泛ng Li 15 a student majoring in English , but his interest 15 in management . And it二as management that he selected when he was choosing his specialty for collegeeducation . 50 he showsl艺ttle interest inh艺5 stud少and lags behind in hiss£ud夕., ,B . Needs .A . Lacks .C . Wants .2 . Which of the following does not describe an Eclectic Approach ?A . The teacher follows Humanist Approachstrictly .B . The teacher mixes up a wide range of methods and approaches·C . The teacher tries to incorporate the best aspects of all the research about languagelearning3 . What syllabus does the following present ?Unit 1 AnimalsUnit 2 FoodUnit 3 SportUnit 4 ShoppingUnit 5 TravelUnit 6 PollutionA . Structural syllabusC . Skills syllabus4 . What approach treats the students as a whole person , with feelings and emotions ?B . The Communicative ApproachA . The Natural ApproachC . The Humanistic Approach5 . Which of the following 15 the description of a function ?B . Giving directions .A . Ownership .C . Acting out a play .6 . Which of the following roles does the teacher mainly play in a communicative activity ?B . Facilltator .A . Controller .C . Assessor .7 . Authentic materials are materials produced for _ .B . English learnersA . Native speakersC . English teachers8 . Which of the following belongs to the communicative approach ?B . Focus on fluencyA . Focus on accuracyC . Focus on strategies1008B . Topic syllabus9 . What reading strategy does"picking out sub一topic sentences , , train ?B . Scanning·A . Skimming .C . Inferring .10 . What reading approach puts most emphasis on automatic recognition ?B . The botto价up approach·A . The top一down approach .C . The interactive approach11 . What stage 15 the following activity best suited for ?"Taking note ' on the nzain points of th。text , ,B . While一readingA . Pre一readingC . Post一reading12 . What listening skill does the following activity help to train ?Listen to the following airport announcements and fill the blanks in the table withthei权formation夕ou hear .AirlinesPan AmericanBA 359Fight numberDestinationBoarding Gate numberSydneyNew YorkNo件wes ' .{.A . Listening for gist .C . Inferring .…_?}一--一一卫些一一一一一一一一习B . Listening for specific information .13 . Which of the following 15 the purpose of the"while一listening , , stage ?A . To help students establish listening expectationsB . To consolidate what he has learnedC . To extend the students ' ability of matching what they expect to hear with whatthey actually hear14 . Which listenin只skill combines listening and writing ?A . InferringC . Note-taking15 . Which stage of the speaking lesson 15 least teacher-controlled ?A . Presentation .C . Production .B . Practice .B . Listening for specific information16 . What conversational technique does the following conversation present ?"Jack : Sam , what are少ou 90艺ng to do tomorrow ?Sam : Nothing much . Wh夕?Jack : W七’re going to二atch a football match . Wbuld you like to come too ?Sam : I ' d love to !"A . Checking understanding .C . Showing understanding .1009B . Pre--invitation·