【期刊名称】《民用飞机设计与研究》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)002
【摘要】机翼对接设计是飞机结构设计的一个重要环节,而机翼对接面位置的选择对对接结构的设计有重要影响。基于客机外翼与中央翼的对接面,分析各种对接面位置对对接结构设计的影响,比较其中的优缺点;分析了修形面和其相对于机身等直段的变形量;并提出一种新型对接面位置,为民用飞机外翼中央翼对接的对接面设计提供一种选择。%Wing root joint is essential in aircraft structure design, and the joint rib design is greatly influenced by joint plane position. Based on the joint plane between wing and center wing, the joint rib design affected by differ-ent joint plane positions is analyzed and compared their advantages and disadvantages. The fuselage deformation from modified contour is analyzed. One new joint plane position is raised and the option of joint plane design be-tween wing and center wing is obtained. 【总页数】7页(20-26)
【关键词】对接面;对接肋;修形面;变形量 【作者】汤平
【作者单位】上海飞机设计研究院,上海201210 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】V224