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Reading More
Key to Exercises
Task 1
3) due 8) thirst 13) a part
4) adhere 9) discharging 14) commit
5) 1)nonmonetary 2) recognizing 6) self-affirmation 7) impede 11) serve
considered 10) rendering 15) attend
12) ceremonies
Vocabulary in Action
Task 1
1. A. observed (v. to see and notice something)
B. observed (v. to say or write what you have noticed about a situation)
C. observing (v. to do what you are supposed to do according to a law or agreement)
2. A. Labels (n. a piece of paper or other material that is attached to something and
gives information about it)
B. labeled (v. to attach a label onto something or write information on something) C. labeled (v. to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or correctly)
3. A. engage (v. to be doing or to become involved in an activity)
B. was engaged (v. to employ someone to do a particular job)
C. engaged (v. having agreed to marry)
D. engaging (adj. pleasant and attractive)
4. A. attributed (v. to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something)
B. attributes (n. a quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be good or
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C. attributed (v. to believe or say that someone was responsible for saying or
5. A. Driving (v. to make a car, truck, bus, etc. move along in a desired path)
B. drive (n. an effort to achieve something, especially an effort by an organization
for a particular purpose)
writing something, i.e. painting a famous picture, etc.)
C. drive (n. determination and energy to succeed)
6. A. exercise (n. physical activities that you do in order to stay healthy and become
B. exercises (n. a set of questions in a book that test a student's knowledge or skill)
C. exercise (v. to use a power, right, or quality that you have)
7. A. term (n. a fixed period of time during which someone does something or
something happens)
B. term (n. one of the periods of time that the school or university year is divided into)
C. termed (v. to give a name to or describe something with a particular expression)
8. A. discharged (v. to officially allow someone to leave somewhere, especially the
hospital or the army, navy, etc., or to tell them that they must leave) B. discharge (v. to do or pay what you have a duty to do or pay)
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C. discharges (n. something coming from with another type of substance)
9. A. minor (adj. small and not very important or serious, especially compared with
other things)
B. minored/minors (v. to study a second main subject as part of university degree) C. minors (n. someone who is below the age at which they become legally
10. A. stage (n. a particular time or state that something reaches as it grows or
B. stage (n. the raised area in a theatre which actors or singers stand on when they perform)
C. stage (v. to organize a public event)
11. A. fostering (v. to take someone else's child into your family for a period of time
but without becoming their legal parent)
B. fosters (v. to help a skill, feeling, idea, etc. develop over a period of time) responsible for their actions)
C. foster (adj. related by or concerned with fostering)
12. A. firm (n. a business or company, especially a small one)
B. firm (adj. strongly fixed in position, and not likely to move)
C. firm (adj. behaving in a way showing that they are not going to change their
mind, or that they are the person taking control)
Task 2
1. due to you as a bonus
2. in recognition of his contributions to psychology
3. serves a purpose
4. attended to in due course
5. takes precedence over all the others
6. calls for a celebration
7. thirsted for a few new books
8. with reference to the job opening in your department
9. Mary has a great diversity of interests
10. committed themselves to boosting profits