摘 要
污水进水水质 单位:mg/L 项目 含量 CODcr 270 BOD5 135 NH4+-N 30 SS 135 TN0 30 TP0 3 本次设计所选择的A2/O工艺,具有良好的脱氮除磷功能。该污水厂的污水处理流程为:污水从粗格栅到污水提升泵房,再从泵房到细格栅,然后到旋流沉砂池,再进入生物池(即A2/O反应池),再从生物池进入二沉池,污水再经过接触消毒池后排入自然水体;污泥处理流程为:旋流沉砂池产生的垃圾直接外运处置,二沉池产生的剩余污泥则运入贮泥池,二沉池的回流污泥则通道管道、污泥回流泵房再次进入A2/O反应池,经过贮泥、加药处理后的污泥,进入污泥浓缩脱水车间,最后外运处理。污水处理厂处理后的出水水质要达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)中的一级b标准。该标准的具体数据如下表所示:
出水水质标准 单位:mg/L 项目 含量
CODcr 60 BOD5 20 NH4+-N 15 SS 20 TN0 15 TP0 1 关 键 词:A2/O工艺,脱氮除磷,污水处理,污泥处理
The subject of this graduation project for a municipal sewage treatment plant process design—A2/O process.Main task is to complete the layout of the sewage treatment plant,the preliminary design of the various structures and construction plans of dealing with the design of structures.
To complete the preliminary design of a design manual, wastewater treatment plant with a floor plan, flow chart of a sewage treatment plant and the design of three main structures;design of the main design of structures, mainly is the biological pool, secondary sedimentation tank design and contact disinfection tank.
This sewage treatment plant project,the scale is 120000m3/d. The influent water quality is in the table below.
Influent water quality units:mg/L Project Content CODcr 270 BOD5 135 NH4+-N 30 SS 135 TN0 30 TP0 3 The selected A2/O process, has a good Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal.This sewage treatment plant for the sewage treatment process is: sewage from the coarse grid to enhance the pumping station,then from the pump to the fine grid,And then to the cyclone grit chamber, then entering the biological pool(A2/O reactor),then from the pool into the secondary sedimentation tank,after exposure to water disinfection and then discharged into the natural water ; Sludge treatment process is : vortex grit chamber sludge into the sludge
dewatering plant directly,secondary settling tank sludge are also brought into the workshop, secondary sedimentation tank produced
returned sludge channel pipes, returned sludge from the pump to re-enter A2/O reactor, after treatment plant sludge dewatering sludge,mud into the storage pool, the last is outward processing. After the sewage treatment plant effluent quality to achieve \plant emission standards\standard.This standard's data is in the table below.
Effluent water quality units:mg/L Project CODcr BOD5 NH4+-N SS TN0 TP0