实验项目名称: 《大学英语II》课外实践
课程名称: 《大学英语II》 成绩评定(分数) 实验类型:验证型□ 综合型√ 设计型□
实验日期:(如实填写) 2019.05.13 指导教师 韩梅 学生姓名 甄珍 学号 20183402625 专业班级 180906
一、实验项目训练方案 小组合作:是□ 否□ 实验目的: 举行这样一个课外实践活动能够激发学生学习英语的热情,提高其对英语口语的兴趣,营造良好的英语学习氛围,为其提供一个尽情挥洒创意、展现英语演讲风采的舞台,激励学生把以前所学的知识、语言技能以及本学期所学的英语技巧运用于实践中,并在实践中提高自己的英语水平。同时,还可以检验学生英语语言表达中语音、语调、重音等的掌握情况,其成果作为课程成绩评定的重要依据之一。 小组成员:(学生如实填) 实验场地及仪器、设备和材料: 实验场所: 仪器设备条件:教室多媒体设备 物质条件:U盘,耳麦,录音笔等 软件:Powerpoint 实验训练内容(包括实验原理和操作步骤): 原理:随着英语教学改革的不断深入,教学方法和教学形式得到不断创新,单纯的课堂教学逐步转变为课堂教学与课外实践活动教学相结合的培养模式。英语课外实践活动所发挥的“英语语言文化场”对学生的磁性吸附作用愈加强大,英语演讲为英语学生对所学语言知识提供了英语口语实践的机会,巩固所学习到的英语发音技巧、语音语调的变化调整等。 操作步骤: 1. 开学初老师给学生布置任务,协调分组。 2. 学习和交流英语演讲技巧。 3. 学生课下查找演讲素材,进行演讲模仿练习。 4. 组内演讲模仿,小组人数较多的录制视频。 5. 实践汇报。学生以组为单位进行演讲汇报表演。由小组推荐代表同学进行演讲汇报,老师根据各班具体情况限定每组汇报人数和每人演讲汇报的时间。其余没有在班级内进行演讲的同学需要上交小组比赛时视频。教师对学生进行的英语演讲模仿实践活动进行点评,评分考虑学生实践报告的编写,实践活动的参与,小组演讲时的表现,演讲汇报时的口语表达情况,展示效果 1
等综合因素。 二、实验总结与评价 实验总结: Time flies, more than a month of preparation for the English practice has been successfully concluded last week. Looking back on the details, there is not only joy and excitement after success, but also frustration after the loss and helpless. With the careful help of teachers and classmates, each student is experiencing subtle growth while improving their English skills. At the beginning of the semester, the teacher assigned this English practice content -- English celebrity speech imitation show in the first class. Needless to say, when we hear the topic and requirements of this English practice, we are ready. Under the teacher's advice, we look for suitable speeches from Ted. We marveled at Ted’s fascinating ideas and language, and agonized over how to cut a 10-minute talk into two minutes or so. We talked about this problem in depth in the study group. Many students recommended the use of professional editing software, but also put forward to use the phone's own screen recording function. Sincerely exclamation: “technology makes life better!” As the saying goes: “everything comes to him who waits ”. On the day of the speech, the students all took out their carefully prepared speech. Videos played on the big screen smoothly, and the students methodically carried out their speech. Be amazed at the variety of topics, from education and health to careers and technology. Marvel at the students leisurely and calm response. The beautiful things will come to an end, the two-week English practice is over, but at the same time each student has more or less harvest. This visual and listening feast will be the unforgettable memory of every student on the way of learning English. 对实验的自我评价: As long as you work hard, there will be harvest. This is my overall summary of the English practice report activity. Different from the past, I am honored to be the grader of this English practice. As a grader. I carefully appreciate and listen to the speech from each student, in strict accordance with the standard, give the appropriate score. I am very happy for them when they give a wonderful speech. I applaud them though they get nervous. I think: each student's efforts are worth encouraging and affirmation. As a speaker. After the speech. I quipped to myself: \ 2
report?\To be honest, I still have a long way to go as a real English speaker. No matter from pronunciation and intonation, fluency or overall performance, it is urgent to improve. The road to English learning, even in college, also can not stop here, but should be more strict with ourselves, and further. 实验成绩评定(百分制): 指导教师(签名): 日期: 年 月 日
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