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Unit1 School is fun . (

Ⅰ )

1. Words : bag pencil-case pen ruler book big

small pencil eraser blackboard window door

boy girl TV desk (16 个已学 )


Text: What can you see ? I can see a book . 3. Part 1 2 4

Unit1 School is fun . (

Ⅱ )


Review Unit1 ( I ): words text 2. New words: draw sing read write dance run

jump swim


Chant 4. Part 3 5 6

Unit2 Classroom Olympics . (

Ⅰ )

1. Words : hop jump run walk paint catch count

bounce touch (2 个已学 ) 2. Text : Hop to the blackboard . Jump to the

window . Run to the door . Walk to the



Chant 4. Part 2 5

Unit2 Classroom Olympics . (

Ⅱ )


Review Unit2(I ): words text and chant 2. New words: up down kick stop football

badminton baseball basketball 3. Sentences: Who is playing what ? Bill is

playing football .

4. Part 1 4 6 7

Unit2 Classroom Olympics . ( Ⅲ )

1. Review words : 动词 17 个、 balls 4 个 2. Text and sentences 3. Chant 4.


Unit3 You and I. (

Ⅰ )

1. Words : I You He She It We They (


有已学动词 )

2. Text : You and I . You can draw and I can

write . He and she . He can dance and

she can read .


Part 2 3 4

Unit3 You and I. (

Ⅱ )


Review Unit 3(I): words and text 2.

New words: skate talk play paint 3. Sentences: We and you . We can skate and

you can paint . It and they . It can talk and

they can play.


Song (part1) 5. Part 5 6

Unit4 They are my friends . (

Ⅰ )


Names: Nick May Tom Linda Pat zhangxin 2. Text : Hello! I ’m Nick. She’s Pat and

he’s Tom. We are all friends . 3.

Chant 4. Part2

Unit4 They are my friends . (

Ⅱ )


Review Unit4(I): Names text chant 2. Sentence: Who’s your best friends ? This is

Lili . She ’s my best friend . She ’s seven . 3. Part 1 3 5 6

Review Unit1---4

1. Review words

2. Review text and sentences 3. Review chant 4.


Unit5 I like dogs . (

Ⅰ )

1. Words: cat rabbit mouse snake spider dog

turtle horse duck pig cow sheep parrot( 只

有 1 个 parrot 是新的 ) 2. Text: Tell me please. What animals do

you like ? I like dogs .


Chant 4. Part 1 2 3 5 6

Unit6 Do you like oranges ? ( I )

1. Words : fruit banana orange peach pear

apple pineapple lemon mango

2. Text: Do you like oranges ? Yes, I do . Do

you like pineapples? No, I don ’t. 3.

Song (part1) 4. Part 2

Unit6 Do you like oranges ? ( Ⅱ )

1. Review Unit 6 ( I ) : words text and song

下册 程安排

2. Sentences: Do you like apples ? Yes, I do .

Take one , please. Thank you . Do you like lemons ? No, I don ’t. I ’m sorry . Thank

you just the same .


Chant (part7) 4. Part 3 4 5 6

Unit7 What ’s Bobby doing ?( Ⅰ )

1. Words : living room dining-room kitchen

bathroom bedroom 2. Sentence: This is Bobby ’s house . You can

see a bathroom, a living room ,a kitchen ,a

dinning room and two bedrooms. 3. Part4

Unit7 What ’s Bobby doing ?( Ⅱ ) 1. Review Unit7 ( I ): words and sentences 2.

Phrases: taking a bath 、having supper、 watching TV 、 sleeping 、 doing his


3. Text : What ’s Bobby doing ? He ’s taking a bath . What time is it ? It ’s 8 p.m . 4.

Part 1 2

Unit7 What ’s Bobby doing ?( Ⅲ )

1. Review Unit 7 (I II ): words phrases text and


2. Sentences: What do you do in the living

room ? I watch TV in the living room .


Chant 4. Part 3 6 7

Unit8 What ’s in the pizza ?( Ⅰ )

1. Words: pizza carrot pea onion bean potato

tomato sausage

2. Sentence: What pizza do you like to eat ?

I like to eat a pizza with some onions .

3. Part 1 2 5 ( 复数加

s or es)

Unit8 What ’s in the pizza ?( Ⅱ )


Review unit 8( I ): words and sentences 2. Words: Review some colour: orange yellow

red purple green pink brown white ?

New words: coconut

3. Text: What ’s in your bag ? There is


pencil-case and some books .


Chant 5.

Part 3 4 Review Unit5---8

1. Review words and phrases 2. Review text and sentences 3. Review chant 4.


Review Unit1---8 1. Review words and phrases 2. Review text and sentences 3. Review chant 4.


Unit9 Dress for Children

’s Day .( Ⅰ )

1. Words: handbag glasses skirt jacket shirt

vest hat trousers

2. Sentence: It’s Children ’s Day . What do

you like to wear ? I like skirt . I don’t like

trousers . 3. Part 3

Unit9 Dress for Children ’s Day .( Ⅱ )

1. Review Unit9 (II) : words sentences 2. New words: jeans dress cap shoes socks shorts T-shirt


Text: What do you like to wear on Children ’s Day? I’d like to wear a pair of shoes and a T-shirt .( a /a pair of 的用法 )


Part 2 6

Unit9 Dress for Children ’s Day .( Ⅲ )

1. Review Unit 9 (I II ): words 15 个、 text and


2. Chant 3. Part 1 7

Unit10 What are they doing ?(

Ⅰ )

1. Review some animal words 2. Phrases : brush teeth

read books

take a

bath play a game

have breakfast eat


3. Text: What are the cows doing? They’re


eating grass .

4. Part 3 6

Unit10 What are they doing ?( Ⅱ ) 1. Review Unit 10 (I ): words phrases and text


Phrases: watch TV tell a story play hide

and seek climb the tree play football 3.

Sentence: This is my pet. It ’s a rabbit . I

keep it in the house .( introuduce your pet ) 4. Chant 5.

Part 1 2 4 7


Where are you going ?(

Ⅰ )

1. Words: plane train car bus ship bike boat

jeep on foot ( 如掌握得好,可加入练习册

中的 helicopter hot airballon motorbike )

2. Text: Where are you going? I ’m going to

Dalian. How are you going there ? I’m

going there by ship . 3.

Chant 4. Part 1 2 3 4 6 7

Unit12 A song of opposites .( Ⅰ )

1. Words: tall-short

young —old


–small little--big happy— sad

2. Text: This is little and that’s big . This is

cold and that is hot . 3.

Part4 Unit12 A song of opposites .( Ⅱ )


Review Unit 12 (II): words and text

2. New words:

left — right

long —short

quick — slow hot— cold sun— moon

3. Chant

4. Part1 2 5

Review Unit9---12

1. Review words and phrases 2. Review text and sentences 3. Review chant 4.


Unit13 The big man

and the little

people .( Ⅰ )


Words: body hair mouth eye nose foot feet leg arm ear head tooth teeth head( 注意变

复 数 的 特 殊 形 式 foot---feet

tooth— teeth )(a / an 的用法 )


Text: What ’s this ? This is an ear . What ’s

that ? It’s a nose .

3. Chant

4. Part1 2 3 4 5

Unit14 Hello ! This is my friend , Linda .(

Ⅰ )

1. Words: my your his her our their its


Text : Who’s that ? That’s their new

teacher .

3. Chant


Part 1 2 3 4 6 7


He ’s got three sticks .( Ⅰ )


Review numbers 1 —10、 colour 2. Text: How many sticks has he got ? He’s

got three sticks . 3.

Chant 4. Part 1 2 3 5 6


Game time.(

Ⅰ )

1. Review some verb and phrases

2. Sentences: I like reading . What do you like doing ? I like running . 3. Chant 4.

Part 1 3

Unit16 Game time.( Ⅱ )

1. Review Unit 16 (I ): words sentences chant 2. Text: Hello,whose book is it ? Maybe it’s my book . What ’s your name ? My name is LinHua . Yes, it’s LinHua. Here you are . Thank you very much . 3.

Part 4

Review Unit13---16 1. Review words and phrases 2. Review text and sentences 3. Review chant 4.


Review Unit9---16 Review Unit1---8




