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3 American GIs

4 G-7 nations

5 Boy Scouts of America

6 The Ivy League

7 lobby

8 Mir Space Station


10 New Deal

11 Chic

12 tertiary industry

13 selfie

14 paparazzi

15 microblog


16 拆迁

17 调控房价


18 教育公平

19 安居工程

20 农村留守人口

21 行政问责制

22 赈灾

23 养老保险

24 最低生活保障

25 传销

26 国有资产流失

27 参政议政

28 从我国国情出发

29 能上能下

30 解决民生问题


31 The past came back to him in pictures: his boyhood's past first of all. He saw again the old home, every inch of which was familiar to him as his own name; he reconstructed in his thought all the old well-known furniture, and replaced it precisely as it had stood long ago. He passed again a childish finger over the rough surface of the faded Utrecht velvet chairs, and smelled again the strong fragrance of the white lilac-tree, blowing in through the open parlour-window. He savoured anew the pleasant mental atmosphere produced by the dainty neatness of cultured women, the companionship of a few good pictures , of a few good books. Yet this home had been broken up years ago, the dear


familiar things had been scattered far and wide, never to find themselves under the same roof again; and from those near relatives who still remained to him he lived now hopelessly estranged.

Then came the past of his first love-dream, when he worshipped at the feet of Nora

Beresford, and, with the wholeheartedness of the true fanatic, clothed his idol with every imaginable attribute of virtue and tenderness. To this day there remained a secret shrine in his heart wherein the Lady of his young ideal was still enthroned, although it was long since he had come to perceive she had nothing whatever in common with the Nora of reality. For the real Nora he had no longer any sentiment: she had passed altogether out of his life and thoughts; and yet, so permanent is all influence, whether good or evil, that the effect she wrought upon his character remained. He recognized tonight that her treatment of him in the past did not count for nothing among the various factors which had determined his fate.


32 王冕自此只在秦家放牛,每到黄昏,回家跟着母亲歇宿。或遇秦家煮些腌鱼、腊肉给他吃,他便拿块荷叶包了来家,递与母亲。每日点心钱,他也不买了吃,聚到一两个月,便偷个空,走到村学堂里,见那闯学堂的书客,就买几本旧书,日逐把牛拴了,坐在柳荫树下看。弹指又过了三四年。王冕看书,心下也着实明白了。那日,正是黄梅时候,天气烦躁,王冕放牛倦了,在绿草地上坐着。须臾,浓云密布,一阵大雨过了。那黑云边上镶着白云,渐渐散去,透出一派日光来,照耀得满湖通红。湖边山上,青一块,紫一块,绿一块。树枝上都像水洗过一番的,尤其绿得可爱。湖里有十来枝荷花,苞子上清水滴滴,荷叶上水珠滚来滚去。王冕看了一回,心里想道:“古人说‘人在画图中’,其实不错。可惜我这里没有画工,把这荷花画他几枝,也觉有趣。”又心里想道:“天下哪有学不会的事,我何不自画他几枝?”




