【期刊名称】《中外健康文摘》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)048
【摘要】目的分析与探讨孤立性肺结节在64排螺旋CT中血供构建的价值。方法选取本院2010年6月至2012年9月期间收治的孤立性肺结节患者共45例,通过64排螺旋CT灌注成像技术对其进行灌注扫描,通过观察其密度值、PH、S/A值以及联合血流模式来诊断孤立性肺结节的病变性质,并以此来研究血供构建的价值。结果恶性结节与炎性结节其PH与S/A值均明显高于良性结节,且其灌注值与良性结节相比明显更高。结论采用64排螺旋CT血供构建模式对恶性结节与良性结节进行区分有非常重要的意义,值得在临床上进行推广与应用。%Objective To analysis and study of solitary pulmonary nodules in the 64 row helical CT in the blood supply of the value. Methods The hospital in 2010 June to 2012 September during the years of solitary pulmonary nodules in patients with a total of 45 cases, with 64 row spiral CT perfusion imaging for perfusion scanning, through the observation of its density, PH value, S/A value and the combined flow pattern to the diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules qualitative disease degeneration, and in order to study on the blood supply of the value. Results The malignant nodules and inflammatory nodules of the PH and S/A values were significantly higher than that in benign nodules, and the perfusion and benign nodules significantly higher. Conclusion