1. (1) best 2. (1) land
(2) none of them (2) wings
(2) before
3. (1) small children 4. smoothly
5. (1) distributed evenly (2) clean it
Viewing and speaking 1. (1) landing (4) present (7) publish
(10) cheering (13) humorous
(2) followed
(5) succeeded (8) attention (11) charge (14) missed
(3) headed
(9) happened
(12) dropped (15) get back
(6) arrested
Unit 10 With a failing memory, you meet a lot of new people. I Lead-in 1. T 6. T
2. T 7. F
3. T 8. T
4. F 9. T
5. T 10. T
II Basic listening practice 1. C)
2. D)
3. A)
4. B)
5. C)
III Listening in Task 1 1. B) Task 2 1. T Task 3 (1) brain instrument (4) your brain vegetables
(7) Protect and support (8) healthy (10) memory loss (13) Improve
(9) sugar
(5) blood circulation
(2) nerve connections
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. F
2. C)
3. D)
4. C)
5. A)
(11) never functions (14) remembering
(12) tobacco
(15) temporary
IV Speaking out Model 1
(1) Do you have anything in mind
(2) Remember I asked the chef for the recipe (3) did you forget that Linda doesn’t eat chicken
(4) It just slipped my mind
(5) everyone forgets something sometimes (6) I’m getting forgetful Model 2
(1) Do you know what Jack’s home phone number is (2) I can’t think of it off the top of my head (3) why don’t you call Jane
(4) They usually don’t release private information over the phone (5) have a powerful memory
(6) I do have a good memory for faces and names, but a poor one for numbers and dates Model 3 (1) where was I
(2) You were talking about your tour in London (3) I can’t remember any more (4) What’s wrong with your memory (5) I don’t want to forget my own name (6) it’s just temporary forgetfulness V Let’s talk (1) memory power (4) saw
(2) test
(3) new
(6) seconds
(5) verdict
(7) memories (10) staring
(8) endure
(9) volunteers
(12) slide show
(11) 10,000 (14) lose
(13) 70 percent (15) where
VI Furthering listening and speaking Listening Task 1 1. A) Task 2
2. B)
3. D)
4. D)
5. C)
(1) excellent marks (4) Association Consolidation
(7) already learned Practice (10) shorter Task 3
(2) principles
(3) picture (6)
(5) familiar with
(8) 16 (9) Distributed
(11) muscle (12) exercise
1. Maybe we can’t remember the name.
2. We can repeat the name back to the person to help us store the name in our “memory bank”.
3. We can repeat the name. In addition, we can visualize something different, unusual, or ridiculous about the person’s appearance, position, or action that ties in with his or her name.
4. The descriptive information on one side of the card and the name on the other side.
5. We can look at it repeatedly, seeing the “picture” in our mind’s eye as we look at the name; or when we see the name, visualize the “picture” we have assigned to the name. Viewing and speaking 1. (1) intelligent (3) shown
(2) paintings
(4) cover (6) local
(5) including (7) atmosphere (9) painter
(8) unique
(10) mouth