//ex2.1--display your name and address #include
//ex2.2--convert the furlong units to yard uints-把浪单位换位码单位 #include
double yd; yd=fur2yd(fur); cout< double fur2yd(double t) { return 220*t; } //ex2.3-每个函数都被调用两次 #include using namespace std; int main() { mice(); mice(); see(); see(); return 0; } void mice() { cout<<\} void see() { cout<<\ } //ex2.4 #include using namespace std; cout<<\ int age; cin>>age; int month; month=age*12; cout< //ex2.5---convert the Celsius valve to Fahrenheit value #include using namespace std; cout<<\double C; cin>>C; double F; F=C2F(C); cout< double C2F(double t) { return 1.8*t+32; } //ex2.6---convert the light years valve to astronomical units--把光年转换为天文单位 #include double convert(double);//函数原型 int main() { using namespace std; cout<<\double light_years; cin>>light_years; double astro_units; astro_units=convert(light_years); cout< double convert(double t) { return 63240*t;//1 光年=63240 天文单位 } //ex2.7--显示用户输入的小时数和分钟数 #include using namespace std; show(); return 0; } void show() { using namespace std; int h,m; cout<<\cin>>h; cout<<\cin>>m; cout<<\ } 第三章:处理数据 //ex3.1—将身高用英尺(feet)和英寸(inch)表示 #include const int inch_per_feet=12;// const常量--1feet=12inches--1英尺=12英寸 int main() { using namespace std; } cout<<\ \\b表示为退格字符 int ht_inch; cin>>ht_inch; int ht_feet=ht_inch/inch_per_feet;//取商 int rm_inch=ht_inch%inch_per_feet;//取余 cout<<\ < //ex3.2--计算相应的body mass index(体重指数) #include const int inch_per_feet=12; const double meter_per_inch=0.0254; const double pound_per_kilogram=2.2; int main() { using namespace std; cout<<\ cout<<\(输入你身高的英尺部分):_\\b\ int ht_feet; cin>>ht_feet; cout<<\(输入你身高的英寸部分):_\\b\ int ht_inch; cin>>ht_inch; cout<<\ double wt_pound; cin>>wt_pound; int inch; inch=ht_feet*inch_per_feet+ht_inch; double ht_meter; ht_meter=inch*meter_per_inch; double wt_kilogram; wt_kilogram=wt_pound/pound_per_kilogram; cout< } cout<<\体重指数) is \return 0; //ex3.3 以度,分,秒输入,以度输出 #include const int minutes_per_degree=60; const int seconds_per_minute=60; int main() { using namespace std; cout<<\ cout<<\ int degree; cin>>degree; cout<<\ int minute; cin>>minute; cout<<\ int second; cin>>second; double show_in_degree; show_in_degree=(double)degree+(double)minute/minutes_per_degree+(double)second/minutes_per_degree/seconds_per_minute; cout< //ex3.4 #include const int hours_per_day=24; const int minutes_per_hour=60; const int seconds_per_minute=60; int main() { using namespace std; cout<<\ long seconds; cin>>seconds; int Day,Hour,Minute,Second; Day=seconds/seconds_per_minute/minutes_per_hour/hours_per_day; Hour=seconds/seconds_per_minute/minutes_per_hour%hours_per_day; Minute=seconds/seconds_per_minute%minutes_per_hour;
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