摘 要
科学技术的发展速度远远超过我们的想象,这既是生产力提高的一种结果,同时又为生产力的进一步提高创造了条件,然而科学技术是一把双刃剑,它可以造福人类,同时也能给人类带来灾难。本文结合自然辩证法分析科学技术给人类带来的进步和灾难及其形成的原因,并指出人类应该以科学发展观为知指导,正确运用科技的力量推动这会又快又好发展。 关键词:科学技术,自然辩证法,科学发展观
The pros and cons of the development of science and technology
Abstract:The pace of development of science and technology far beyond our imagination, which is both a result of increased productivity, but also created the conditions for a further increase in productivity, however, science and technology is a double edged sword, it can be benefit mankind, also can bring disaster. This paper analyzes the reasons dialectics of nature to bring science and technology to human progress and the disaster and its formation, and noted that human development should be based on the guidance of scientific outlook, correct use of the power of technology to promote the Social and Economic development.
Keywords: science and technology; dialectics of nature; scientific outlook on development
引言 ......................................................................................... 3 第一章 背景 ............................................................................ 3 第二章 现代科学技术的发展 ................................................ 3 第三章 科技发展的利与弊 .................................................... 4 第四章 对科技的辩证研究 .................................................... 6 第五章 树立正确的科学发展观............................................. 7 第六章 总结与展望 ................................................................ 9 参考文献 ................................................................................ 10