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1.replace vt.替换、代替、取代 3.indicate vt. 显示、表示 4.combine vt.&vi. 组合、使联合 5.pure adj. 纯净的 6.mistaken adj. 错误的、误解的 8. conclusion n. 结论,推论 9.differ vi. 相异,有区别 10.custom n.风俗,习俗 11.mixture n.混合,混合体 12.distinguish vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征 13.press vt. (被)压,挤,推,施加压力n.报刊;新闻界;出版社 replacement n. 代替、更换 indication n. 显示、表明 combination n.联合;结合 purify vt. 净化 purity n. 纯净 mistake n. 错误 (vi.)误解;弄错 conclude vt.&vi.使结束;下结论;推断 different adj. 不同的 difference n. 不同 customer n. 顾客,消费者 customs n.海关/关税 mix v.混合,调配 mixed adj. 混合的,混杂的 distinction n. 区别,差别 distinct adj. 不同的,清晰的,明显的 pressure n. 压力;挤压 2.practical adj. 切实可行的,实用的 practise v. 练习、实践 7.interrupt vi.&vt. 插嘴,打断,暂停 Interruption n. 打断,中断 14.convenient adj. 方便的,便利的 convenience n. 方便,便利;便利的设施或用具 inconvenient adj. 不方便的 15. represent vt. 代表;展示;描绘 Representative n. 代表

1. 贯穿历史 2. 由……组成 3. 在于 4. 化妆;和好;编造 5. 与……不同 6. 与……相似 7. 以……命名 8. 除……之外 9. 与……交汇/混合 10. 官方语言 11. 对……感到困惑 12. 在……中起作用 13. 控制 14. 被控制 15. 失控 16. 处于控制之下 17. 导致 18. 尽管 19. 一方面…另一方面 20. 饲养动物 all through history consist of(无被动语态)/ be made up of consist in make up differ from/ be different from be similar to name after aside from/ except for mix with official language be/feel puzzled about play a part/role in take control of/get power over/ be in control of in the control of lose control of=beyond control=out of control under control lead to=result in=contribute to even if/even though On the one hand,…on the other hand raise animals 1

21. 为……募集资金 22. 养家糊口 23. 提高音量 24. raise/rise 25. 做贡献 26. 普通人 27. 被广泛使用 28. 母语 29. 经历巨大变化 30. ……是肯定的 31. 被……取代 32. 用……取代 33. 取得独立 34. 代替,而不是 35. 另外,此外 36. 立刻 37. 期盼做…… 38. 持续做…… 39. 值得认真考虑 40. 关心 41. 为…树立标准 42. 曾经,一度 43. 一次 44. 当时 45. 一段时间 46. 由于 47. 直视某人的眼睛 48. 从一边到另一边 49. 切题 50. 尊敬某人 51. 总而言之 52. 很可能做某事 53. 不太可能做某事 54. 在于,因为 55. 作为整体 56. 大体上,基本上,总的来说 57. 变成 58. 拒绝;关小点 59. 向某人求助 60. 出席,出现,露面 61. 对……视而不见 62. 对……充耳不闻

raise money for raise/support one’s family raise one’s voice raise是及物动词,必须接宾语;rise是不及物动词,后面不接宾语 make a contribution/contributions to common people come into widespread use/ have widespread use mother tongue go through huge changes It is certain that… be replaced with replace…with/by = take the place of gain independence instead of in addition right away look forward to doing sth keep doing deserve careful thought show concern for set a standard for at one time at a time for the time for some time due to/thanks to/owing to/because of look sb in the eye from side to side to the point show respect for sb In conclusion/In a word/ To conclude Sb. be likely to do sth be less likely to do sth in that as a whole on the whole turn into turn down sb. turn down sth. turn to sb for help turn up turn a blind eye to turn a deaf ear to 2

63. 在20世纪50年代 64. 被用来做某事 65. 习惯做某事 66. 过去常常做某事 67. 书面语 68. 口语 69. 背景资料 70. 将……与……结合起来 71. 忙于做某事 in the 1950s be used to do sth be used to doing sth used to do sth/ would do written language spoken language background information combine…with… be occupied with sth/ be occupied in doing sth/ be busy with sth/ be employed in doing sth live a… life without result go through=experience ban sb from doing = forbid sb to do sth= forbid doing have/gain/get/obtain access to=be accessible to be concerned about sth/ be concerned to do sth concern oneself in/about/with Sb. be to blame look into look back on look out look through look up look up to sb. get rid of make fun of have fun=enjoy oneself put my foot in my mouth if not if any if necessary if possible if ever in case+句子;in case of+短语/名词 what if…? tell the difference between A and B distinguish A from B distinguish between A and B distinguish oneself be famous for=be distinguished for make a difference vs. make no difference 3

72. 捐赠;有助于;投稿;做贡献 contribute to 73. 过……的生活 74. 毫无结果 75. 经历,经受,遭受 76. 禁止某人做某事 77. 得以接近;得以进入;得以使用 78. 担心,担忧 79. 从事,参与 80. 应受责备 81. 调查,研究 82. 回忆,回顾 83. 当心,注意 84. 浏览,仔细看 85. 查找;好转,有起色 86. 尊重,钦佩 87. 摆脱 88. 开……的玩笑,取笑 89. 玩得开心 90. 说错话,说了失礼的话 91. 如果不的话 92. 如果有的话 93. 如果必要的话 94. 如果可能的话 95. 如果曾经有 96. 万一 97. 要是……的话怎么办 98. 把A和B区分开来 99. 使杰出,使扬名 100. 因……而出名 101. 起作用,重要,有影响



