Directions: Fill in the bla nks using some of the words give n below. Change the form where n ecessary. 1) 2)
Her most cherished possessi on is the diam ond n ecklace around her n eck. Accord ing to the statistical figures, over half of the stude nts had a positive attitude toward their future. 3) 4)
Deleti ng this plot would destroy the in tegrity of the story. Because of the Ion g-lasti ng sno wstorm, the price of agricultural
commodities has risen greatly. 5)
It is importa nt to be
cooperative toward the other team members in order to
achieve our goal. 6)
Food and water have been
distributed among the refugees from the neighboring coun try. 7)
Si nee it is not easy to repair this highly
sophisticated mach ine, we n eed more time. 8) 9)
The other positi ons have bee n filled, but there are still At college, computers are used to
vaca ncies for clea ners. facilitate stude nts' Ian guage lear ning. interaction of dema nd and supply. 10) Price is determ ined through the
11) We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century. 12) The surgical operati on was 13) At the beginning,
conducted by the best surge on in the hospital. virtually every soldier confronts his own problem. impact on the traditional bookstores. 14) Internet shopping has had a great
15) Due to the lack of money, some public facilities in the community were poorly
mai ntai ned .
2. Directions: Disti nguish betwee n the con fusable words and fill in the bla nks with the proper word from the brackets of each sentence. 1)
Since he was promoted last mon th, he has occupied himself with the new work and
has neglected his kids. (neglected; ignored) 2) Break the glass to sound the alarm in the case of fire, (in the case of; in case of) 3) It
costs the couple more tha n 2000 Yua n per year to run the car. (spe nds; costs) 4)
According to reliable information
sources, those missing children have been found, (resource; source) 5)
The apartme nt is very convenient in that some schools and hospitals are close
hand, (at hand; in hand) 6)
It was advertised in today's newspaper that there was a(n) vacant post of man ager to fill. (empty; vaca nt) 7)
I am surprised that Andy was
awarded the first prize in the speech competiti on. (awarded; rewarded) 8) I came here specially to prese nt you with the birthday gift. (specially; especially) 1.
Directio ns: Study the models and complete the followi ng senten ces by tran slati ng
the Chin ese into En glish, using \Model 1:
(正如世间万物),too much of a good thing can be a problem. As with
everyth ing, too much of a good thi ng can be a problem. Model 2:
(竞争似乎会给健康带来副作用).Cooperation, and other pro-social/un selfish
behavior, tends to have positive side effects.
It seems that competiti on has un healthy physical side effects. Cooperatio n, and other pro-social/un selfish behavior, tends to have positive side effects. 1)
As with hiking ( 女口同徒步旅行一样 ),you should always think about your safety and wear
good clothes. 2)
As (it is) with learning any Ianguage (女口同学习任何语言 ),the old saying that \
makes perfect\
3) It seemed that he did n't adopt/take my advice ( 看来他没有采纳我的建议
)and I
was quite upset. 4)
It seemed that my father would lose his temper (
看来父亲要发火了 ) but it was not
my fault. 5)
It seems that Professor Smith can't come (
看来史密斯教授不能来了 ), so we have to
in vite ano ther expert. 2.
Directio ns: Combi ne the followi ng pairs of senten ces as show in the model.
Model : You have sig ned.
You can't cha nge any term in the con tract.
You can't cha nge any term in the con tract once you have sig ned. 1)
rve found some place to live.
ni send you my address.
(门I send you my address on ce/whe n「ve found some place to live.)
2) She made up her mind.
I would have little in flue nee over her.