The interaction between the human β-globin locus control region and nuclear matrix
The interaction between the human β-globin locus
control region and nuclear matrix
【期刊名称】《细胞研究(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2002(012)005
【摘要】Our previous study showed that hydroxyurea (Hu) could induce HEL cells to express human β-globingene. However the molecular mechanisms by which the expression of β-globin gene is activated and regulatedare poorly understood. Here we show that the binding patterns between the core DNA sequences (HS2 coresequence -10681~ -10971 bp , HS3 core sequence -14991~ -14716 bp and HS4 core sequence -18586~ -18306 bp) of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human β-globin LCR and nuclear matrix proteins isolatedfrom Hu induced and uninduced HEL cells are quite different. Results demonstrated that nuclear matrixproteins might play important roles in regulating the expression of human β-like globin genes through theirinteraction with HSs (HS2,HS3 and HS4 core sequences) in the LCR. Moreover, the results obtained fromthe in vitro DNA-matrix binding assay showed that the core DNA sequences of DNase I hypersensitivesites (HS2, HS3 and HS4) were unable to bind to the nuclear matrix isolated from uninduced HEL cells; inaddition, HS2 core DNA sequence was capable of binding to the nuclear matrix prepared
The interaction between the human β-globin locus control region and nuclear matrix