Host Speech of New Year's Day Literature and Art Festival of Dawn Experimental School in 2019
Man: Distinguished leaders, guests and all parents and friends on the scene 女:敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们
Woman: Dear teachers, dear classmates 合:大家,下午好
Together: Good afternoon, everyone.
Man: 365 days and nights, like 365 steps, stretching across the dusty history
女:新的钟声新的一年, 新的祝福新的期待
Woman: New Bells, New Year, New Blessings, New Expectations
Man: Joy with tears, success with hardship, regret to inspire struggle, we unconsciously walked into 2019
Woman: New journey sounds new drums, new spring breeze brings new prayers. 男:站在新一年的门槛,回顾2018 ,我们有太多感慨,这一年,我们大胆改革,新理念、新课程、新课堂,伴随我们一路前行
Man: Standing at the threshold of the new year, looking back on 2018, we have too many feelings. This year, we have bold reform, new ideas, new courses, new classes, along with us all the way forward.
Woman: In this year, all teachers and students are energetic, the basic courses are more solid, the class is blooming, the quality education is
deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, everyone has a clear goal, and everyone has a strong learning experience. 男:回首过去,我们热情洋溢
Man: Looking back on the past, we were full of enthusiasm. 女:展望未来,我们斗志昂扬
Woman: Looking forward to the future, we have high morale. 男:在这辞旧迎新的日子里,让我们承载希望,放飞梦想
Man: In this day of leaving the old and welcoming the new, let's carry hope and let our dreams fly.
Woman: Let's weave the golden thread of youth into brocade years, let's weave reverie years with burning beliefs.
Man: Let's laugh a year's good luck with the purest smile, let's use the warmest emotion to create a year's good luck.
Before the performance officially begins, let's first introduce the leaders and guests who came to the performance site. They are:... 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来
Let's welcome them again with warm applause.
Woman: Next, Ms. Liu Xiaoyan, principal of Dawn Laboratory School, is invited to give a speech on the stage. Welcome with applause.
男:感谢刘校长催人奋进的精彩致辞,谢谢您!同时也祝您元旦快乐,阖家幸福 Man: Thank you for President Liu's inspiring speech. Thank you. At the same time, I wish you a happy New Year's Day and a happy family.
Woman: I also send my best wishes to all my friends on the spot. I wish you all the best in the new year and the happiness of your family.
Hefei: Dawn Experimental School's New Year's Day Literature and Art Festival in 2019 begins now.
【节目部分】 [Program section]
1. Lantern dance is a very distinctive local dance. It vividly reflects the beautiful pictures of people who have a good life celebrating the festival with lanterns in hand. And the Chinese red, which flutters in the land of Shenzhou and touches the feelings of Chinese children, tells about the Chinese people's unresolved red and pornographic knot and their yearning for the future. Next, please enjoy what Lu Jingmei, Li Caijing and other students brought: the most beautiful palace lantern red 2、中华五千年的悠久历史,孕育了底蕴深厚的民族文化;华夏源远流长的经典诗文,是文化艺苑中经久不衰的瑰宝。它犹如夏日的繁星,闪烁着夺目的光彩;它又如春日的百花,散发着馥郁的芳香。朗诵经典诗文,致敬传统文化,下面请欣赏501班带来的:满江红
2. China's long history of 5000 years has bred a profound national culture. The classical poems and essays of China with a long history are enduring treasures in the cultural and art circles. It is like the stars of summer, shining with dazzling brilliance; it is like a hundred flowers of spring,