【期刊名称】《计算机与网络》 【年(卷),期】2011(037)013
【摘要】设计了新型低温温控装置用以解决电子设备在低温不能启动及性能不稳定的问题。介绍了低温温控装置的工作原理及详细方案,并借助理论计算与热分析软件相结合的设计方法确定了低温温控装置中各部分的最佳参数。通过计算机仿真分析与工程实际验证,新型低温温控装置性能可靠,能够很好解决电子设备的低温问题。%New temperature control devices are designed to solve the problems of electronic device at low temperature can not be started and unstable performance. This paper introduces the operation principle and detail scheme of temperature control device in low temperature environment. The optimal parameters of each part in the device are determined by using the design method of theoretical calculations combining with thermal analysis software. The simulation and engineering practice shows that this device has reliable performance and can solve the problem of low temperature of electronic devices. 【总页数】3页(44-46)
【关键词】热设计;多参数;低温;温控 【作者】靳含飞
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TN02 【相关文献】
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