Retrieve Application 调取申请表 Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) 在线非移民签证申请表格 Your Application ID is: AA001TUYS5 Application Information 申请表相关信息 Please record your Application ID in a safe 您的申请编号是:AA001TUYS5 and secure place. Date 12-AUG-2011 日期:26-08-2011 请把您的申请编号记下并保存在安全可靠的地方。 If there are technical issues with the system, or you want to complete your application some other time, you can save your work and later, start where you left off. In order to access your application later, however, you will need: (1) your Application ID, and (2) the answer to the security question that you will choose on this page. To choose a security question, pick the one you like the best from the dropdown list, type your answer to that question in the box below, and click “Continue.” Remember: In order to access your application later, you will need to know the answer exactly as you wrote it on this page. You can also use your Application ID and security question to retrieve your Confirmation Page after you have submitted your application, or to use your previously provided application information to complete a new application at a later date. Electronically submitting your DS-160 online application is only the first step in the visa application process. Once you have electronically submitted your DS-160 online application, you must contact the embassy or consulate at which you wish to apply to confirm whether you need to be interviewed by a consular officer, and to schedule an interview. You can find a list of U.S. embassies and consulates here , with links to
如果您遇到涉及系统的技术问题或希望日后再把表格填完,您可以把未完成的表格保存在系统里,留待日后继续填写。不过,续填申请表时,您将需要:(1)键入您的申请编号;(2) 回答安全问题。这个问题将由您自己在此页面上选定。 选择安全问题时,请打开下拉列表并选择您最喜欢的预设问题,然后在下面的空格里键入您的答案,再点击 “继续”即可。请记住:您日后要严格按照您此处的答案回答安全问题才能续填申请表。 您在递交申请以后,还可以用申请编号和安全问题调出您的确认单,或者日后调出您在申请表中的相关信息用以填写新的申请表。 在网上提交电子版DS-160申请表仅是签证申请手续的第一步。您在网上提交了电子版DS-160申请表后,还必须与您选择办理签证的大使馆或领事馆接洽,确认是否需要与领事官面谈以及约定面谈日期。您可以在此查看美国大使馆和领事馆列表,列表上还有各使、领馆网站的链接,您可从中得到有关安排签证申请面谈的信息。如果为您办理签证的使馆或领馆告知您必须面谈,则您的签证申请手续一定要在您本人与领事官面谈后才能完成。 6
their websites where you can find information about scheduling a visa interview appointment. If the embassy or consulate at which you apply informs that you must have a visa interview, the visa application process cannot be completed until you appear for an interview with a consular officer. Security Question安全问题 What is the given name of your mother's mother? 你姥姥姓啥? Answer回答 WANG Continue继续 Cancel取消 Personal Information 1 个人信息1
Surnames 姓氏 Given Names名字
Full Name in Native Alphabet 全名(请用中文填写) 李 斯 Have you ever used other names (i.e., maiden, religious, No professional, alias, etc.)? 您是否曾经用过其它名字? (例如:婚前用名、宗教用名、职业用名、别名等) Do you have a telecode that represents your name? 您的名字有相应的电码吗? 查询网址: Sex性别 Marital Status 婚姻状况 Date and Place of Birth 出生日期与出生地 Date of Birth 出生日期 City of Birth出生地城市 State/Province of Birth 出生地州名/省份 Place of Birth 出生地 30 MAY 1957 SHENYANG LIAONING CHINA 2621 2448 Does Not Apply/Technology Not Available .. 不适用/技术无法提供 Male Female MARRIED 已婚 NOTE: Data on this page must match the information as it is written in your passport. 注意:此页填写的数据必须和您护照上的信息一致。 Help: Surnames帮助:姓氏 Enter all surnames as listed in your passport. If only one name is listed in your passport, enter that Surname. 输入您护照上列出的所有姓氏。如果只有一个,请输入这一个。 Help: Given Names帮助:名字 If your passport does not include a given name, please enter 'FNU' in Given Names. 如果您的护照上不包括名字信息,请在名字栏内输入'FNU'。 Help: Other Names 帮助:曾用名 Other names used include your maiden name, religious name, professional name, or any other names which you are known by or have been known by in the past. 曾用名,包括你的婚前姓名,宗教的名字,职业名字,或是您过去曾经使用过的的任何其他名字。 Help: Telecode 帮助:电码 Telecodes are 4 digit code numbers that represent characters in some non-Roman alphabet names. 电码由4位数字组成,代表着一些非罗马字母拼写而成的名字的字体。 Help: Date of Birth 帮助:出生日期 If day or month is unknown, enter as shown in passport.若不知道日期或月份,请按护照所示填写。 Help: Place of Birth 帮助:出生地 Select the name that is currently in use for the place where you were born. 请选择您的出生地名字(此地名须是目前使用的地名)。 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 75 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or
recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: A/ISS/DIR, Room 2400 SA-22, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20522-2202 根据得到的反馈,收集该信息的平均时间估计在75分钟左右,这包括搜寻现有资料来源的时间、收集必要的文件、提供必要的信息和/或所需文件,以及复阅最后收集到的信息。您无需提供此信息,除非收集到的信息显示一个当前有效的'OMB'控制号码,如果您对这个估计的时间的准确性有所评论,并/或对如何缩短这个时间有建议,请将其发至:美国国务院 华盛顿特区20522-2202, A/ISS/DIR, SA-22 2400房间 INA Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of States and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court. 'INA条款222(f)规定,美国国务院, 外交领事办公室颁发和拒绝签证,或准许进入美国的记录为机密文件,只用于移民,国籍及其它美国法律的制定,修改,管理和执行。只有当法庭证明该记录所含信息为一案子在法庭开庭前所必须了解的信息时,才可提供有关记录的副本。 Back: Getting Started返回 Save保存 Next: Personal 2下一步 Marital Status 婚姻状况 MARRIED 已婚 COMMON LAW MARRIAGE事实婚姻(普通法婚姻) CIVIL UNION/DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP 未婚同居 SINGLE 单身 WIDOWED 寡居 DIVORCED 离婚 LEGALLY SEPARATED 分居 OTHER 其它 Personal Information 2 个人信息2
赴美签证DS-160表 - 范例及填写说明 - 图文