Select Tooltip Language选择提示语言 中文(简体)(chinese simplified) Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) 在线非移民签证申请表格 How to Apply for a U.S. Nonimmigrant Visa 如何申请美国非移民签证 Welcome! On this website, you can apply for a U.S. nonimmigrant visa. Filling out the application on our site is the first step in the process. After you submit your application, you can move on to the next steps, such as signing up for an interview. 欢迎您进行网上申请!您可以通过本网页提交美国非移民签证申请。在我们的网站上填写申请表是申请过程中的第一项步骤。您提交申请以后,就可以进行诸如登记参加面谈等其后的步骤了。 What You Need to Apply申请签证需要什么 Before starting your application, please make sure you have the following: 着手申请以前,请做好以下准备: 1、An Internet browser that supports 128-bit encryption, and has JavaScript enabled. Currently, we support Internet Explorer version 6.0 and higher, and Mozilla Firefox version 2.0 or higher. 1、可以支持128比特加密、能运行JavaScript的互联网浏览器。我们目前可以支持6.0版以及更新的Internet Explorer和 2.0版以及更新的Mozilla Firefox浏览器。 2、Your passport and any previous U.S. visas you have had. 2、您的护照以及以往获得的美国签证。 3、Documentation about your travel plans. 3、有关您旅行计划的文件。 For a specific list of documentation that you may need to help you complete the application please see travel.state.gov's Frequently Asked Questions for the Online DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Application page. 如欲索取申请过程中可能需要的文件清单,请浏览“DS-160非移民签证网上申请表常见问题”页面。 If you are unsure what type of visa you need or want more information about a particular visa please see travel.state.gov's Types of Visas for Temporary Visitors page. 如果您不知道自己需要什么类型的签证或希望索取某类签证的更多信息,请浏览“短期旅行者签证类型” 页面。 Location 地点 Select the location where you will be applying for your visa.
When you fill out the application, please make sure to have your passport, information about other U.S. visas you have had, if any, and any other documents relevant to your intended travel to the United States ready. You will need information in those documents as you fill out the application. 请在开始申请程序前准备好您的护照、之前的签证信息(如适用)以及任何与您美国之行有关的文件准备好,以备不时之需。如果您不确信您申请美国签证所需文件,请登陆美国国务院网站查看不同签证类别及其所需文件。 CHINA,SHENYANG Download times may vary 1
请选择你要申请签证的地点。 depending on how fast your Internet connection is. Please be patient. 下载材料的时间会因为您所用网络的网速而快慢不一。请保持耐心。
Region 地区 SELECT ONE CHINA, SHENYANG Select a tooltip language 选择提示语言 中文(简体)(chinese simplified) Most of this application has been translated. To see the translation, point your mouse over any sentence on the page. 本申请表的内容大多都已经翻译成中文。如欲阅读译文,请把鼠标放在您需要翻译的任何句子上。 This visa application will ask you to upload a digital photo of yourself. 填写本申请表时,您需要把自己的数码近照上载到表中。 Can Other People Assist Me with my Visa Application? 我的签证申请可由别人帮助填写吗? Yes, you can get assistance from other people. Be aware, however, that under U.S. law (22 C.F.R. 41.103) you must electronically sign and submit your own application unless you qualify for an exemption. This means that you (the applicant) must click the \application out. If someone else clicks the button instead of you, your application may not be accepted. 可以。您可以请别人协助填写。但请注意,根据美国有关法律(《美国联邦法规汇编》第22卷41.103条款),申请必须有您的电子签名并由您自己递交,除非您有资格申请例外。换言之,即使您的申请表是由他人代为填写的,点击“签署申请表”按键的必须是您本人(申请人)。如果这个按键由别人点击,而不是您本人,您的申请可能被拒收。 Electronically submitting your DS-160 online application is only the first step in the visa application process. Once you have electronically submitted your DS-160 online application, you must contact the embassy or consulate at which you wish to apply to
Common errors: Please be sure you review your application in order to avoid common errors in the following requested information areas: Visa type requested; Current home address; Prior travel to the U.S.; All travel to other countries in the past 5 years; and Name of person and (if applicable) organization preparing the DS-160 application on your behalf. 常见错误:请务必检查填写的内容以避免下列几方面的常见错误: 申请签证类别; 目前家庭住址; 以往的美国之行; 过去5年中所有的国外旅行; (如系他人代为填写)帮您填写本申请表的人和组织的名称。 confirm whether you need to be interviewed by a consular officer, and to schedule an interview. You can find a list of U.S. embassies and consulates here, with links to their websites where you can find information about scheduling a visa interview appointment. If the embassy or consulate at which you apply informs that you must have a visa interview, the visa application process cannot be completed until you appear for an interview with a consular officer. 以电子手段在网上递交您的DS-160申请表只是签证申请手续的第一步。您完成该步骤后,还必须与受理您的签证申请的美国大使馆或领事馆接洽,以确认您是否需要与领事官面谈并确定面谈时间。您可以点击下方链接找到美国使/领馆的网页:'请点击此处'您可从中得到有关安排签证申请面谈的信息。如果为您办理签证的使馆或领馆告知您必须面谈,则您的签证申请手续一定要在您本人与领事官面谈后才能完成。 Start Application 开始填写申请表 Getting Started 现在开始 NOTE: If you stop working on this application for more than 20 minutes, your session will expire and you will have to start over, unless you have recorded your Application ID Number or have saved your application to a file on your computer. 请注意:您在填写申请时如果超过20分钟不触动键盘或鼠标,您的电脑与服务器的连接将会自动终断;除非您预先记下了申请编号或在自己电脑中进行保存,否则将重新填写。 Electronically submitting your DS-160 online application is only the first step in the visa application process. Once you have electronically submitted your DS-160 online application, you must contact the embassy or consulate at which you wish to apply to confirm whether you need to be interviewed by a consular officer, and to schedule an interview. You can find a list of U.S. embassies and consulates here,with links to their websites where you can find information about scheduling a visa interview appointment. If the embassy or consulate at which you apply informs that you must have a visa interview, the visa application process cannot be completed until you appear for an interview with a consular officer. 在网上递交电子版DS-160表格仅是申请签证手续的第一步。您在网上提交电子版DS-160表格后,还必须与您选择申办签证的大使馆或领事馆接洽,确认是否需要与领事官面谈以及约定面谈日期。如欲查看美国大使馆和领事馆的列表,请点击此处。列表上还有各使、领馆网站的链接,您可从中得到相关签证申请面谈安排的信息。如果为您办理签证的使馆或领馆告知您必须面谈,则您的签证申请手续一定要在您本人与领事官面谈后才能完成。 How to Complete the Application: 如何填写申请表格: 1.When you are ready, click on the button labeled “Start a New Application” below. 1.您一旦准备就绪,就可以点击下面标有“开始填写申请表”字样的按钮了。 2.Write down the Application ID displayed on the top right-hand corner of the page. If you need to close the browser before submitting your application, you will need this Application ID to continue your application. 2.记下本页右上角的申请编号。如果您需要提交申请表之前关闭 浏览器,您就需要凭本申
请编号来续填申请表。 3.Follow the instructions on each page. Make sure you answer all the questions—if you do not, your application may not be accepted. 3.请按照每页上的指示填写。请务必回答所有问题,否则您的申请可能被拒收。 4.Your answers must be in English and must use the English alphabet. That means you cannot use letters like ?, é, ü, or ?. For example, instead of writing “S?o Paulo,” write “Sao Paulo.” There is only one exception to this rule, which is when you are asked to provide your full name in your native alphabet; then you can use non-English characters. 4.您的回答都必须用英文、以英文字母填写,不得使用非英语字母,如?, é, ü, ? 等。所以,“圣保罗”应写成“Sao Paulo”,而不能写成“S?o Paulo”。但表格中要求您用本国文字填写您的全名时,本条规定不适用,您可以用非英文字符填写。 5.When you are finished answering all the questions, the program will let you check your answers to make sure they are correct. Please re-read them carefully so you do not make mistakes. 5.您回答完所有问题后,电脑会要求您检查自己的回答,以确保答案的正确性。请务必认 真检查,避免出错。 6.Click on the “Sign Application” button to sign your application electronically. 6.请点击“签署申请表”按钮,完成电子签名程序。 7.Once you have checked your answers, you can submit your application. When you do, you will see a confirmation page on your screen with a barcode. 7.您检查核对完各项回答以后,就可以提交申请了。申请发送出去以后,您的屏幕上会自动生成带有条形码的确认页。 If you do not plan to complete your application within the next 30 days, you should save your application to your computer. To do this, please click the “Save” button at the bottom of the last page you have completed, and follow the instructions. When you are ready to complete your application, you may reload your application into the system by clicking the “Upload a Previous Application” button under “Option B: Upload a Previously Saved Application Using a File” below and following the instructions. NOTE: Only save your application onto a computer that cannot be accessed by anyone who does not have your permission to see or record your personal data. If you save your application onto the hard drive of a shared or public computer, such as a computer in a cyber café or library, other users could find and open your application form. 如果您不准备在30天内把申请表填完,就应该把未完成的申请表保存在自己的电脑中,做法是,在未完成申请表最后一页的最下端点击“保存”按键,然后按照要求一一完成保存手续。当您继续填写表格时,可以点击下面的“选项B:使用文件上载以前保存的申请表”,所列的“上载未完成的申请表”,把已经填写过的表格调出,然后按照要求 走完每一步。请注意,您的申请表格一定要保存在别人未经您的同意无法随便进入阅读或抄写您的个人信息的电脑里。如果您把自己的申请表保存在多人共用的电脑里,如网吧或图书馆的电脑里,使用该电脑的其他人可以找到并打开您的申请表格。 If you have previously submitted a DS-160 application, you may use that information to complete a new application. You will need the Application ID from your previously submitted application to do this. To access previously submitted application information, click the “Retrieve Application” button under “Option C: Retrieve Application Using an Application ID” below and follow the instructions. If you use this option to complete a new application please make sure to carefully review to ensure that all information is current and correct. 如果您以前曾经递交过DS-160申请表,您可以使用表格中的信息填写新的申请。您需要用
以前递交的申请编号才能把旧表调出。如欲调出已经递交的旧表,请点击下面的“选项C:使用申请编号调取已存申请表”,所列的“调取已存申请表”,然后按照要求 走完每一步。如果您以这种方法填写新的申请表,请务必仔细检查各项回答,以确保所有信息都是最新信息并且准确无误。 Further instructions on how to complete the application are found on the Welcome page. More information on the DS-160 can be found on travel.state.gov’s Frequently Asked Questions for the Online DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Application page. 关如何填写申请表的进一步信息可点击:欢迎页面。有关DS-160表的更多信息可点击:DS-160非移民签证网上申请表常见问题页面。 This application will ask you to upload a digital photo of yourself. You must, however, use a digital photo that the computer system can process. If you would like, you can test your photo now to make sure the computer can process it—just click the “Test Photo” button below. 填写本申请表时,您需要上载本人的数码照片。您必须使用电脑系统可以处理的数码照片。如您愿意,您现在就可以用准备上载的照片做个测试,看其是否可以在您电脑上进行处理。请点击下方 “测试照片”按键。 Click the button below to test your photo: 请点击下方按键开始测试您的照片: Test Photo Click here to review the photo standards guide 请点击此处再次浏览相关照片标准指南 测试照片' Select an option from one of the boxes below. 请在下面的格子里选择一项。
Option A - Start a New Online Application 选项A:开始填写新的网上申请 To start your application, click the button below: 如需开始填写,请点击下方按键。 Start a New Application 开始新的申请 Option B - Upload a Previously Saved Application Using a File 选项B:使用文件上载以前保存的申请表 To continue an application you have already started that is saved on your computer, or to start a new application using data you have already entered and saved on your computer to complete a new application, click the button below: 如欲继续填写已经存入电脑的申请表或者用您已经存入电脑的信息填写新的表格,请点击下方按键: Upload a Previous Application 上载以前存入的申请 Option C - Retrieve Application Using an Application ID 选项C:使用申请编号调取已存申请表 To continue an application you have already started and would like to continue; to view your confirmation page for an application you have completed; to correct an error on a completed application after a consular officer has reopened and unlocked your application; or to start a new application using data you have already entered to complete a new application, click the button below: 如欲继续填写尚未完成的申请;如欲检查您已经填写完毕的申请表的确认页;如欲修改已经递交但被领事官解锁的申请表;如欲用填写新的申请表时已经存入电脑的信息填写另一份新的申请表,请点击下方按键: