【期刊名称】《飞行器测控学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(031)004
【摘要】The results of analysis of the performance of transponders of three turnaround ranging modes, namely, video AGC (Automatic Gain Control) mode, RF (Radio Frequency) AGC mode and hard limiter mode, are presented. Output power of the ranging channel of a transponder is constant in video AGC mode and the turnaround ranging performance does not vary with the strength of uplink signal. Output power of the ranging channel of a transponder is not constant in RF AGC mode and the turnaround ranging performance is in variation with the strength of uplink signal. Hard limiter mode is regarded a special case of RF AGC mode. Simulation and analysis is done on the performance of the hard limiter and RF AGC mode transponders developed in China. The results of analysis are consistent with measured results and the method can be used in link calculation.%分析了采用视频AGC(自动增益控制)、射频AGC和限幅器等3种测距转发模式的应答机性能,分析结果表明:视频AGC模式下,应答机测距通道的输出功率恒定,测距转发性能不随上行信号强度变化而变化;射频AGC模式下,应答机测距通道的输出功率不恒定,测距转发性能随着上行信号强度变化而变化;而限幅器模式可看作射频AGC的一种特殊情况.仿真分析了我国研制的限幅器和射频AGC两种模式应答机的性能,结果表明理论计算的性能与
实测结果一致,理论分析正确且理论分析结果可作为链路计算的依据. 【总页数】5页(6-10)
【关键词】应答机;测距转发性能;视频自动增益控制(AGC);射频视频自动增益控制;限幅器 【作者】丁溯泉
【作者单位】北京跟踪与通信技术研究所·北京·100094 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】V556.1 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-spacecraft-tt-technology_thesis/0201220317575.html 【相关文献】
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