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Unit 13 Happy Children’s Day

一. 英汉互译

儿童节 _________________ 看电视 ____________

跳舞 _______________ 唱歌 ________________

去划船 _________________ see a puppet show __________________

play table tennis ________________ 去游泳 ______________

play hide-and-seek _______________ 去骑车_________________

二. 找朋友

踢足球 bounce a ball,

骑自行车 open the door,

骑马 play the piano

放风筝 paint your own face

画图画, play football,

拍球 play the guitar,

开门 draw pictures

喂鸟 ride a bike,

弹钢琴, ride a horse,

弹吉他 fly a kite,

给你自己的脸涂色 feed a bird

三. 选择

1. Our policeman is __________ the grandmother cross the street. A. help B. to help C. helping

2. What do you often do _________ Children’s Day? A. in B. on C. to

3. ________ do you spell turtle?

A. How B. What C. Where

4. ---Have you got a Teddy Bear? ---____________________. A. Yes, I’ve got. B. Yes, I have. C. No, I have. 5. --- Can you dance? ---____________________. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I can. 6. What _______ he doing? A. is B. are C. Am

7. I _________ sing, but I can’t __________ . A. can, sing B. can, dancing C. can, dance 8. —Do you like black? —Yes, ________ . A. I am B. I do C. I don’t

9. --- ________ is my shell? --- It’s over there A. What B. Where C. Which 10. There __________ five carrots in the box.

A. am B. is C. are

四. 翻译句子

1. That little girl is giving the policeman some water.


2. 在儿童节你经常做什么?


3. 我经常去划船。


4. 你怎么拼写乌龟?


5. I’ve got a teddy bear and a monkey.


7. I can draw pictures.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答与否定回答。)





