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人教英语必修四抢分教程能力提升:nit 1 Women of achievementection 3 含答案

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C.changed D.enjoyed

解析 由该空后的cycling along traffic-free country paths可知,在没有汽车的乡间小路上,我们无忧无虑地骑着自行车,十分享受。enjoy oneself“过得愉快”。

答案 D

7.A.but B.so C.or D.unless 解析 该空前后为转折关系,故填but。 答案 A

8.A.probably B.especially C.specially D.immediately 解析 “特别(especially)”是早上非常冷。 答案 B

9.A.came back B.gave up C.warmed up D.calmed down

解析 由上文的it was quite cold和The good news可知,我们骑了一会儿自行车“暖和多了(warmed up)”。

答案 C

10.A.wish B.problem C.decision D.memory

解析 由该空后的my brakes(刹车)started making a terrible noise可知,这里是说“问题(problem)”。

答案 B

11.A.order B.opinion C.excuse D.explanation

解析 由该空后的visit a caf while a bike mechanic(机修工) had a look at it可知,趁着机修工帮我们修自行车,我们就有“借口(excuse)”去餐馆逛一逛了。

答案 C

12.A.city B.lake C.school D.village

解析 由上文的the countryside和该空后的we could talk with local people可知,这里是


答案 D

13.A.friendly B.honest C.stupid D.nervous

解析 由该空后的showed us the way when we got lost可知,这位妇女非常“友好(friendly)”。

答案 A

14.A.saved B.paid C.woken D.greeted

解析 由下文的They kept singing loudly in the next room可知,我们被隔壁的一些年轻人“吵醒(woken)”了。

答案 C

15.A.excited B.sleepless C.speechless D.frightened

解析 他们唱歌的声音让我们彻夜“未眠(sleepless)”。 答案 B

16.A.shy B.busy C.bored D.tired

解析 一晚上没有休息好,所以早上起来后应该是感觉很“累(tired)”。 答案 D

17.A.set off B.called back C.settled down D.broke down

解析 由该空后的We were more cheerful on the way可知,很快我们就“出发(set off)”了。

答案 A

18.A.Strangely B.Doubtfully C.Luckily D.Naturally

解析 由该空后的things like that happened only once可知,像那样的事情只发生了一次,所以非常“幸运(Luckily)”。

答案 C

19.A.true B.simple C.difficult D.dangerous

解析 骑着自行车游玩“简单(simple)”又快乐。 答案 B

20.A.goal B.dream C.result D.choice

解析 总览全文可知,作者认为骑自行车游玩是一个很好的“选择(choice)”。 答案 D Ⅲ.语法填空

Suddenly all the lights on that crowded underground train went out.Then it stopped in that dark tunnel.We waited.We expected the lights to come on again.__1__ nothing happened. Then I began to smell __2__.People around me then began to cry out in fear.“The train is on fire!” they cried.The woman __3__ (stand) next to me __4__ (sudden) fell on the floor.I realized she was overcome by the smoke.Then I saw flames appearing.“If something does not happen soon,” I said to __5__,“I __6__ (burn) alive.” But as I stood there in the dark in that crowded burning train,I could see no way to escape.So I cried,“God,if it is not my time to die,please help me!” I heard a noise.It was __7__ my right hand side.I at once began to push my way forward to __8__ that noise came from.For two hours I kept walking in that dark train tunnel.At last I saw __9__ light in the distance.“Thank God!” I cried,“God must have a purpose for saving my life.He must want me to help __10__ people experience what he could do for them.” I decided.

[语篇解读] 本文讲述的是作者被困在地铁里后设法逃生的经历。 1.解析 联系上下文可知,前后句是转折关系,故应填But。 答案 But

2.解析 作者一开始还不能确定发生了什么,但是闻到了某种味道,故应用something。 答案 something

3.解析 因为the woman与stand为主动关系,故应用现在分词短语作定语,故填standing。

答案 standing

4.解析 修饰谓语fell应用副词,故填suddenly。 答案 suddenly

5.解析 表示“自言自语,心里想”是“say to oneself”。

答案 myself

6.解析 因前面的条件句用的是一般现在时,因此主句应当用一般将来时;又因为I与burn是被动关系,故用一般将来时的被动语态。

答案 will be burnt

7.解析 表示左右等方位应用介词on。 答案 on

8.解析 句意:我立即开始朝传来声音的地方前进。where在此引导地点状语从句。 答案 where

9.解析 句意:我看见在远处有一盏灯。表泛指,故填a。 答案 a

10.解析 other people泛指“别的人”。 答案 other

人教英语必修四抢分教程能力提升:nit 1 Women of achievementection 3 含答案


