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2019-2020 学年七年级英语第二学期期中试卷

(测试范围:Unit1﹣Unit6 总分:120 分 测试时间:90 分钟)

题号 得分

听力部分(共20 分)

一、听句子,选出与其内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)



( )1.A. B. C.

( )2.A. B. C.

( )3.A. B. C.

( )4.A. B. C.

( )5.A. B. C.

二、听对话,根据问题选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共5 分) (

)6..What club does Jim want to join? A.The music club.


B. The swimming club.

C.The story telling club.

)7.Where does Mr. Zhang work? A.In a school.

B.In a radio station.

C.In a store.

( )8.What is that big animal? A.An elephant.

B.A lion.

C.A tiger.

( )9.How long does it take the boy to go to school by bike? A.40 minutes.

B.60 minutes.

C.30 minutes.

( )10.What is Tony's mother doing?

A.She is washing the clothesB. .She is playing computer gam.esS. hCe is watching .TV

三、听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ( ( ( (

)11. A. Play the guitar. )12. A. At 6:45 am. )13. A. Five minutes. )14. A. Every day. )15. A. Sleeping.

B. Play basketball. B. At 7:15 am. B. Ten minutes. B. On school nights. B. Swimming.

C. Play chess. C. At 7:30 am. C. Fifteen minutes. C. On weekends. C. Running.

四、听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1 分,共 5 分) (

)16.Jim's brother is ______.

A.doing his homework


)17.His mother is ______.

A.watching TV


)18.His sister is ______.

A.in her room


B.at school

C.in the garden


C.talking on the phone

B.playing chess

C.watching TV

)19.What kind of book is his sister reading?

A.A Chinese book.

B.An English book.

C.We don't know.

( )20.How many people are there in his family?



笔试部分(共100 分)


一、单项选择(每小题1 分,共20 分) (

)21.—Can I go swimming with you,Mom?

—No,you A. won’t


.You must do your homework first. B. can’t

C. can

.You can join C. us;our

D. don’t club.

D. our;our

)22.Please come and join

A. us;us

B. our;us

( )23.—________do you take a shower, Tony?

—At 8:30 in the evening. A. What time

B. How many

C. How long

D. How much

( )24.—What sport do you like ________,basketball,soccer or tennis, Mary?

—Tennis. A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

( )25.—Do you walk to school or ride a bike to school?

— . A. I walk to schoBo.l Yes,I do

( )26.Don’t go C. No,I don’t D. Yes,you do

the road. the grass.And you can A. cross;across B. across;cross C. across;acrossD. cross;cross

( )27.—Don’t play basketball in class.

— ,I won’t do it again.

B. Sorry

C. Thank you their students. D. You’re welcome

A. Excuse me

( )28.A lot of good teachers A. are strict wiBt.h is strict in C. are strict in D. is strict with

( )29.He can’t ,but he often to the beach to play. C. swims; goes D. swim; go

A. swimming; go B. swim;goes

( )30.Don’t talk A. and

( )31.— eat in class. B. or

C. so D. but

do they kill elephants? their ivory.

C. Why;on

D. Why;for

—They kill elephants A. What;on

( )32.Koalas are A. a kind of

B. What;for

interesting but tigers are really scary. B. kind of

C. kinds of

D. all kinds of

? ( )33.—My pet dog can walk —My pet dog can do it,too. A. in;your

( )34.Let’s A. to go

B. in;yours

two legs.What about C. on;your D. on;yours

to the park this weekend.

B. go

C. goes

D. going

( )35.Guangzhou is in the ________ of China.

A. north

B. east

C. west

D. south

( )36.—Would you like to come with us to the show?

— . B. That’s right D. You’re welcome

A. No,not at all C. Thanks.I’d love to

( )37.—Are they playing baseball?

— They are playing basketball. .I don’t like it at all.

C. boring

D. exciting

A. Yes,they are.B. Yes,they do. C. No,they aren’D.t No,they don’t.

( )38.The TV show is really A. interesting B. fun

( )39.It ________outside now. You'd better take an umbrella with you.

A. raining

B. is raining C. rained

D. rain



