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考点规范练17(选修6 ThemeB)

考点规范练第34页 Ⅰ.阅读理解

1.Do you remember we agreed to circulate our ideas for our school project this

year?Well,here is our suggestion and we in our school hope you will join us to develop it. The idea came to us in the autumn of 2004.We were sitting in our class when our head teacher made an announcement.“There’ll be a new boy starting school tomorrow.He comes from the circus and he’ll be with us for a while.”Immediately there was whispering around the classroom.I heard remarks like“Those are dirty people”;“They eat raw meat” and “Watch out for your bags”.The teacher must have heard them because she stopped the talking and said in a very serious voice,“Jake is our guest for as long as he stays here.Make sure you treat him well.I don’t want to hear any complaints about your behaviour to him.”

I was curious because it was the first time I had met someone from a circus.Fortunately for me,the next morning,after being introduced to the class he sat in the only spare seat next to me.Of course I didn’t want to be nosy(好管闲事的)but I couldn’t help looking at him sideways as I began my mathematics task.I noticed Jake was smaller than me and had dirty finger

nails.His shirt was clean but had been repaired in many places and his trousers were helped up by a wide,leather belt.As he seemed to have no handkerchief and was sniffing loudly,I passed him one of mine.Immediately the boys began to whisper “What did you do that for?Leave him be!”I concentrated on my work.From my left a slight movement showed that Jake must have heard the remarks,too.He seemed to be having great difficulty with his work and was struggling to hold his pen correctly.He looked around as if for help.I looked around too.The teacher was busy so I leaned over and offered to explain the problems to him.As he listened,his mouth split into a smile.His eyes lit up as if a light had been turned on and he returned to the exercises with enthusiasm.He finished them quickly and proudly presented them to the teacher.“Well

done,Jake,”she approved.Jake smiled and was soon busy sorting out information and adding more of his own.

I thought about how Jake’s life would be.I remembered seeing the campsite and thinking how poor the facilities(设施)were.So I decided to help.As it was my turn to suggest a project for our grade,I put forward this idea.Our head teacher accepted it and so we began to prepare our plans to improve the campsite.Hope you will join us.


WhydidthestudentsdislikeJakeevenbeforetheysawhim? A.Theymusthaveheardbadstoriesaboutpeopleinacircus. B.Theyalwaysjudgedapersonbywhathelookedlike.

C.Theteacherhadn’tintroducedJaketothembeforehand. D.Anewcomerwasnotwelcomeatthattime. 答案:A

解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可知,当同学们知道这个新生来自马戏团的时候,就议论说这些人脏、吃生肉、爱偷窃。由此可推知,同学们不喜欢这个新来的同学可能是因为他们听过关于马戏团的人的一些不好的事。 2.What’stheauthor’sattitudetowardsJake? A.Hecopiedtheotherboys’behaviour. B.HewasdistantaboutwhatJake’slifewaslike. C.Hecouldn’tignorewhatotherpeoplesaidaboutJake. D.Hehadsympathyforthepooranddisadvantaged. 答案:D


3.TheauthormentionshowJakedidmathstoshowthat . A.theteacherwashelpfulandfriendly B.themathsproblemwastoohardforhim C.Jakewascourageousanddetermined D.theauthorwasbetteratmaths 答案:C

解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中杰克在作者的帮助下完成了作业,并骄傲地展示给老师看后又继续忙着学习可知C项正确,他有勇气和毅力把功课学好。 4.What’stheauthor’spurposeinwritingthispassage? A.Toarguepeopleshouldbetreatedfairly. B.Toaskthereadertojoinintheirproject. C.TocallonmorepeopletohelpJake. D.Toshowwhatisinneedforacircus. 答案:B



1.Hidden behind the curtain,Bai Bingju was making up in front of a small mirror to prepare for the next drama.In 15 minutes,she would 1 on the stage for her favorite role — Sabre in the cartoon SilverSoul.The 18-year-old high school student from Mengzi,Yunnan Province was 2 that her team could be a 3 competitor at the 6th Animation Festival of Yunnan,which ran from Aug.9-14.

Bai’s team 4 more than a thousand times before arriving at Kunming.They as well as other competitors would face bitter competition although Bai won a third 5 in the competition.

About two years ago,Bai first 6 something called costume(戏装)play and the 7 drove her to see how the participants got the colorful costumes and played their favorite roles 8 well-known cartoons or animations.Since childhood,Bai was 9 in painting and dancing,which helped her new hobby.

Bai’s story was about 10 social conception has changed on costume play.It has gained 11 in many cities—more than 3,000 players from all over the country 12 for the championship.The young generation can 13 more time on their own interest with

adequate financial supports from their parents.The fancy costumes showed the exciting side, 14 there were difficulties behind it that onlookers couldn’t feel.

Bai’s mother Li Yao says she strongly opposed the new 15 of dressing in the

beginning.“It was really 16 to my husband and me,”Li says.“But 17 we let her try it because we didn’t want her to be too 18 ”

At Mengzi High School,costume play was once 19 for students because it was regarded as a huge distraction(使人分心的事物)from classes and tests,which are the first for most Chinese parents and students.Therefore,Bai and her 20 must practice on the weekend.“If you are interested in something,time could be squeezed out,”she says. 【语篇导读】本文介绍了一个云南省的女高中生参加cosplay比赛的经历。 A.stay C.share 答案:B

解析:根据语境可知,此处表示“她将要在舞台上为她最喜爱的角色表演”,因此用perform。 2.A.creative C.confident 答案:C

B.afraid D.proud B.perform D.introduce

解析:她有信心她们队会是比赛场上的一个强有力的竞争者,confident“自信的”,符合语境。 3.A.strong C.suitable 答案:A

解析:参见上题解析。strong“强有力的”,符合语境。 4.A.designed C.taught 答案:D

解析:在上台表演前必定在台下练习(practiced)了很多很多次。 5.A.prize C.award 答案:A

解析:三等奖可用thirdprize表达。reward“赏金,酬金”;award“奖品,奖金”;gift“礼物”。故选prize。 6.A.carried out C.looked into 答案:B

解析:大约两年前她听说(heardof)有这么个古装表演项目,好奇心(curiosity)驱使着她去看看那些参加者是如何得到那些华美的戏装,在著名的卡通片或动画片里扮演他们最喜欢的角色的。 7.A.impression C.curiosity 答案:C

解析:参见上题解析。 8.A.as C.with 答案:D


B.for D.in B.stage D.pleasure B.heard of D.dressed up B.reward D.gift B.changed D.practiced B.different D.popular

9.A.trained C.noticed 答案:A

B.ignored D.caught

解析:根据语境可知,此处表示她从小就受过画画和舞蹈的训练(trained)。 10.A.what C.how 答案:C

解析:白冰菊自己的故事也是人们对cosplay这种艺术的看法的转变过程,故选how。 11.A.help C.attention 答案:B

解析:从破折号后面的解释可以看出,这种艺术在很多城市受到欢迎。故选B项。 12.A.competed C.challenged 答案:A

解析:空处与championship搭配,故选A项。 13.A.waste C.take 答案:D

解析:spend...onsth./(in)doingsth.为固定搭配,表示“花费……做……”,符合语境。 14.A.but C.or 答案:A

解析:空处前后两句是转折关系,故用but。 15.A.manner C.fashion 答案:C

B.way D.method B.and D.so B.cost D.spend B.danced D.tested B.popularity D.celebration B.when D.why



