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Unit 6 Let’s play “Bus Traveling”. 1. Teaching aims and demands

(1) 让学生初步学会一些上车和下车的用语。 (2) 使学生能听懂指令并跟着做动作。 (3) 使学生学会字母Vv及所给的单词的读音。 (4) 使学生能朗读第七部分所给的句子。 2. Key points

句型: Let’s play “Bus traveling”. Let’s go.

Get on the bus. Get off the bus. Where are you going? I’m going to Tian Anmen. 词汇: car, plane, train, bus 3. Difficulty points

听懂指令并跟着做上车和下车的动作。 4. Teaching aids.

教学图片和实物、站牌若干个、汽车方向盘一个(用硬纸做)5. Teaching procedure The 1st period Step 1 Preparation

1. Play a Simon Says game. 2. Free talking.

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Step 2 Let’s play “Bus traveling”.

T:(教师首先将几个有地点名称的站牌分别放在教室的某处)Boys and girls, let’s play Bus traveling. Please take your chairs and put them in lines and sit down. Let’s all say, go, go, go, go, let’s go.

T: Get on, get on, get on the bus. Get off, get off, get off the bus.(带领学生一起说)

T: Where are you going? S: I am going to……

T:OK, get on, get on, get on the bus.

Here it is! Please get off, get off, get off, get off the bus.(带领学生一

起说) Step 3 Learn it

T: Look, I’ve got some pictures for you. Now, what’s this?(教师拿一张

小汽车图片)Do you know?

Say following me. Car, car, get on the car.(教师用同样的方法教学


The 2nd period

Step 1 Preparation 1. Say the sentences. Go, go, go, go, let’s go. Get on, get on, get on the bus. Get off, get off, get off the bus. 2 / 4

Step 2 Color it 1. Color it by yourself. 2. Show it to your teacher. Step 3 Fill in the missing letters. 1. Fill in the missing letters by yourself. 2. Say the missing letters together.

The 3rd period

1. Play a Simon Says game. Step 2 Ask and answer. 1. T: Can you see letter Vv? S: Yes, I can. T: Where’s the boy? S: He’s between the goats. 2. Work in pairs. Step 3 Let’s chant.

V is for van. V is for vase. V is for vest. V is for village. V is for video. V is for vine. V is for volleyball. V is for violin. 1. Chant it with the tape. 2. Chant it together.

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Step 1 preparation

Step 4 Learn the words.

Van, vest, video, volleyball Step 5 Copy the letter Vv.

1. Look at the teacher how to write it. 2. Write it by yourself.

The 4th period

Step 1 Preparation.

1. Review the words: plane, car, train. Step 2 Listen and tick. Step 3 Say and touch it. 1. Work in pairs. Step 4 Homework

Ask your motherand father “Where are you going?” in English.

(设计: 涂开生 黄红 蒋霞 黄华 吴泳声)

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