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,每题 2.5 分一、单选 (共计 100 分 I suppose documentary films are the least amusing.-________________. 、1 A. I like horror films best.

B. Yet they have great educational value. C. Are you sure?

D. I will not see this one, then.

twork. ---Mary, can I use your computer now? ----

___________.It doesn 2、' s all right 'A. That m afraid not B. I '

re welcome C. You '

t matter

D. It doesn'

Could you ask him to call me, please?______! What's your name,please? 、3—

A. Sure B. Oh C. Yes D. Well

s getting late. I must go now.-________. – It '、4 A. Send Bob my best.

d better stay overnight. B. You ' C. Best regards.

D. The pleasure is mine.

m 、5---What a surprise! You changed your hair style. ---Yes,and another surprise. I 'going to get married next Saturday.

A. Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that. B. Really? Congratulations! C. How about time? I ll be busy then.

' s OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any D. That


- Can you come down a bit?- _____________.They are on sale 6、today.

s a real buy at that price. 'A. It B. Oh, come on! C. No, it is impossible. D. Please, help me.

——7、 Excuse me, do you mind if I smoke? _______________________. A. Yes, of course. B. Yes, please C. Not at all. D. No, please don t.

' t missthis opportunity to save.- Cheap! I should 8's very cheap. Don'- __________. It 、say it is.

A. It is on clearance sale.

-- --

B. It is low. C. It is cool.

D. It is costly.

9、- What would the whole set cost?- Youcan have it for only 60 dollars down.- I can give you no

more than 50 dollars.Can you sell it for that?-___________ , You won ' t get a better buy than

-- --


A. Sorry, please leave my stand B. Can you buy three of them? C. If you were me, what will do? D. The price is moderate enough.

10、– I' m crazy about chocolate. Do you want one?-_________ A. It sounds great.

B. once in a while. C. Well, it ' s hard to say. D. No. I don ' t like it at all.

11、 --Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please?---- ____________ C. Speaking D. Are you John?

12、 ---I' m engaged! ---__________ on your engagement! A. Congratulations B. Pleasure C. Welcome D. Cheers

13 、 David, nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you.-



