【期刊名称】《广东园林》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)003
【摘要】 Combination with the project facts, takes Chengdu Qingyang Green Ark.Green Mountain area B landscape project as an example, the article analyzes and researches on the key factors that impacts on the landscape effect in the construction process of landscape project, researches on how to improve the real situation and play an advantage role from the details to the part, from the part to the whole control;Factors of how to prevent against landscape effect shaping, on the basis of the\control\human control, material control, technique control and studies on the key construction technology that affecting landscape construction and greening details effect of stone cutting、opposite joint、art modeling、convergent construction and so on.% 文章以成都青羊绿舟·绿岭B区景观工程为例,对园林工程施工过程中影响景观效果的关键环节进行分析研究,包括:施工中如何因势利导,发挥优势,从细节到局部、从局部到整体进行全程把控;预防不利于景观效果塑造的情况发生,以人控、物控、技控等“三控”为基础,对影响园建及绿化细节效果的石材切割、对缝、艺术造型、收口等施工关键技术进行研究。